Happy Anniversary

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Inside of a California hotel, two young women are walking down the hallway.

"Oh come on, April. After the interview, how did you knock down that crazy fan that was chasing Marley Stuart?" The lady in the turtleneck sweater, asked.

"Trust me, Irma. I dealt with much worse in New York." April casually fluffed her own curly hair, acting as if it was no big deal.

"Oh. So is the city really as dangerous as everybody says it is?" Irma questioned.

"Well um..." April recalls some of the most dangerous times in New York. Like fighting an evil robotic bear, scary spider lady, an unstoppable possessed armor and helping a goat with his people skills.

"Oh, you know it's uh... not as bad as New Jersey." April says with a dismissive hand. Then bumps into a door. "Oh hey, this is my room. Guess I'll see you back at work tomorrow."

"You got it. Goodbye April!" Irma said, walking away.

April walked into the hotel room, closing the door behind her. And all she could do was collapse onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh. She picks up her phone to see that it's almost 10pm.

"Hmm, I don't think it's too late back at home." April dials a phone number and waits for a response.

Phone: "Your call is important to me but I am currently not available. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP!" The recording of Donatello said.

Phone: "Hey Donnie. Sorry again for missing our anniversary but I promise I'll be back home as soon as I can, ok?" April waits, in hopes that her beloved 'pancake' will call back.

Phone: "Well anyways... Did you get the gift I sent you? Hope you like it! Call back as soon as you can, ok? Alright. I love you, bye!" April said with a forced smile and hung up the phone.

"*sigh* Maybe taking this business trip was a mistake." April tried to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes and looked at her screensaver. It was a picture of Donnie eating pizza, she chuckled at it.

"Come on April, you just have to put up with work a little longer." April tried to motivate herself.

Then all of a sudden, April hears knocking and goes to open the door. To reveal a delivery man with a box about the size of a mini fridge.

"Hello. You got a package, sign here please." The delivery man hands her a clipboard.

"Oh, alright." April signs the paper and takes the package.

"Thank you and have a good evening." The delivery man leaves as April closes the door.

"Strange, I didn't order anything... Oh, this must be from Donnie." April presumed cheerfully, placing the box on the living room floor.

She opens the box to reveal... "Surprise! Happy anniversary!" Donnie exclaimed, popping out of the box.

"What- Oh my gosh, Donnie?! What are you doing here?!" April takes him in for a huge bear hug and kiss.

"Ha, what's it look like I'm doing? I wanted to surprise my hard working girlfriend by bringing the anniversary to you!" Donnie snuggled closer into her embrace as she took him out of the box.

"Aww thanks Donnie. You're the best." April happily places him back on the ground.

"You're welcome and-*sees the time on his tec gauntlet* Oh shell. Sorry I got here so late. Now we only have two hours left for our anniversary." Donnie apologized.

"Oh that's ok. After all-" April tried to reassure him.

"I knew using Leo's sword was a bad idea. En cambio, la espada loca me llevó hasta México." Donnie complained to himself.

(Translation: The crazy sword took me all the way over to Mexico instead.)

"But don't worry, being the clever turtle that I am. I figured that the best way to get to you. Was by directly 'shipping myself' TO YOU!" The softshell announced.

"Hehe, I'm glad you're here too." April said in delight.

"So here's the plan. You and me, on a special date, tonight, at the beach." Donnie explained with stars in his eyes. "What do you say? I brought a picnic and everything."

"The beach, now? But... isn't it kinda late for that?" April said carefully.

"Hey, at least there will be nobody to bother us. Which I call, a happy bonus." Donnie playfully boops her nose.

"Well, I do like that idea but I don't know... I mean I just got off of work and I have to work again tomorrow." April explained with dread.

"Oh, I... I-I understand... I guess we can always just go out some other time." Donnie tried his best to be optimistic but his tone was still filled with sorrow.

The sad look on his face, just broke April's heart. "Hmm... O-o-on second thought! Tonight can work." She said quickly.

"Really?" Donnie perked up.

"Yeah, tonight is perfect. I just need to change really quick, alright?" April nervously shifted towards her room.

"Alright." Donnie said with relief as his girlfriend leaves.

Then the softshell turns back to the package to retrieve a super tiny box from inside.

"Yeah, tonight is going to be perfect." Donnie said quietly, checking on the tiny box. "One of the best nights of our lives." He admires the shiny, sparkling diamond ring that was inside.


Author's note:

This story was requested by my friend @Rosecrystal12. 'Welcome, btw if it not to much to ask, could you write a story were Donnie finds a baby turtle and then he and April have to be the parents. I think that would be cute. It's just a idea, you don't have to do it.'

(Here's the link of the channel: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Rosecrystal12)

I decided to turn this request into a future fic to make things more interesting. Also don't worry, the baby will show up later. Hope you'll all enjoy it :D

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