the story

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shrek finally got a new laptop through Walmart which was the cheapest one of them all

he decided to play shitty games and buy shits which he like 

then suddenly he got a email written 'congrats you won 10000000000million (definitely not a scam)'  shrek...which was a dumbass clicked on the message and his newly shitty laptop started glitching   Shrek did a very very very mAnLy SCREAM 

then suddenly he got a shitty message "hey there beautiful"

shrek blushed and replied "oh hi~"

(im tired of this shitty story why on earth)


then the hacker replied "i love you~"

shrek blushed more "mhm~"

(kill  me)

 shrek then replied "hey pretty...lets meet at my swamp~"

"ok~" replied the hacker

it was evening, shrek was waiting outside for the hacker

then a orange boy in suit came "hey shrek~"

shrek started blushing and looked down fully red


the orange boy was none other than dOnAld TrUmp 

"lets go in~" said trump 

they both went in and did smooching smooching 


next day they both came out and trump went to mansion or whatever its called and hugged shrek then went (its just like the peasant fell inlove with orange boy)

At trump's mansion...

trump kept on thinking about shrek his HaNdSoMe PrInCe~

''shrek...shrek~" (trump now sounds like hisoka lol)

meanwhile at shrek's shitty house he was think about trump *sigh*

but suddenly shrek decided to call trump and they did a little talk ^^ (TwT)

trump's mom or sister whatever saw this and snatched his phone away (eeeh)

trump's mom: you will never see him again!!! >:(

trump started crying 

(insert dusk till dawn music here trump and shrek sings dusk till dawn )

they both decided to meet at the shitty waterfall near shrek's shitty house

trump: came 

shrek: *puff puff* i always come back.. (wait i heard that somewhere...william afton?)

they both hugged and kissed (soo emooootional)

and got married the next day


shrek woke up from his bed and saw trump lying next to him shirtless (bruh)

shrek started blushing as soon as he saw the orange headed boy lying next to him he decided to not wake him

shrek went to the kitchen and cooked a wholesome meal for trump 

after one more hour trump woke up and searched for his very ''handsome'' prince 

but was upset cause he couldnt find him and from the back shrek covered trump's eyes and said ''hello sweeatheart''

trump: s-shrek is that you?

shrek: yes its me honey

trump: ah-

shrek: dont open your eyes i have a gift~

trump: really? okay

they walked for minutes and shrek finally removed his hands from trump's eyes

trump: woah this is beautfull..

shrek: heh i know right..

trump: is this where we will live for the next years?

shrek: yes 

shrek leaded trump to a very beautiful (ugly) new house

they both held hands and walked in together hoping to lead a better new life



hello guys this is me the author of this shitty story

this story makes no sense and no hate towards shrek

this is a cringy fanfic hope u enjoy or unenjoy this idfc

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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