4. Grassy kind of love

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"You know, all that walking has made my tummy just slightly angry... just slightly-"

"Just slightly Eliot? Just slightly?" Emma said indecently, in the most frustrating experience you will ever come across.

"Okay, maybe not JUST slightly, but you guys can't blame it on me... I mean, we did walk into uncle John's bakery did we not?"

There goes Eliot once again, blabbering away, creating excuses as to why his tummy is constantly grumbling.

"Hey the meadow is just around the corner, maybe we will be able to catch a short break before we continue and Eliot, maybe you can calm your angry tummy?" I suggested. As we walked that horrible feeling started to lurk behind me once more, that little voice that said 'maybe you should turn back, it's not too late, maybe this isn't such a great idea after all but that feeling quickly subsided with Will's cheeky eyes, or at least I thought. 'Could this be all happening in my head? Am I hallucinating?' I remember thinking to myself, soon enough with me overthinking and Eliot complaining, we made it to the meadow, well it was a meadow.

This meadow is rather special to us, we would come here during the summer when the grass was green and vibrant flowers would bloom everywhere, there was a brook where we would go for a swim to cool off from the heat of the summer and sometimes fishing as well, oftentimes we would make bouquets and flower crown from all the appealing wildflowers, we would for picnics and roll on the grass like we were dogs without leashes. Then the warmth of summer with its radiant colours and green grass would be replaced with piles and piles of the warm autumn leaves that would crunch when you stepped on them and the pleasant autumn breeze, that was where I learned the fun of racking up massive piles of leave then "On the count of three... One... Two... Three... jump!" or the simple lesson of 'with hard work also comes great fun'. With autumn came rain boots and light coats, but as soon as autumn came, winter came just as fast. The crispy leaves were replaced by a thick blanket of silver-white fluffy glistening snow, many snowmen's were made over the years as well as snow angles and many snowball fights and battles were fought as well, the brook became our skating rink, or rather our skating lane, of course with winter came thick warm coats, warm woollen mittens, fluffy ear muffs, and infinite amounts of hot chocos. Don't you just adore how snowflakes would find their way to huddle themselves on your eyelashes? Well, I surely do. Of course, when winter comes, it will eventually melt into spring, and with spring, bees would be buzzing in our ears, and the grass would be green once more, flowers would start to bloom and the leaves on the trees would return.

We set down our bags and skis and continued to rummage through the food and drinks we brought as well as the pastries we bought from Uncle John's place. It wasn't a surprise when Eliot was the first to devour his food when we didn't even finish bringing out the food yet, "Eliot! Slow down, one of these days you're going to end up giving yourself a stomach ache if you don't slow down" Emma warned him, it didn't take me long to remember what we forgot, a blanket, a huge blanket to sit on.

"Emma, the blanket please" William asked

"The blanket? Oh butterfingers"

"Don't tell me you forgot to bring the blanket Emma, I reminded you right before I left!" William said in a stern but mellow tone.

"Well, it's in the middle for crying out loud, can you blame me though why would we even need a blanket?" Emma persisted

"You know what, it's ok Emma, we'll figure something out"

We continued to rummage through our bags for anything really, plastic bags, any bags, clothes... "Our extra clothes! We can gather them and lay them on our skis" an idea slipped out of William's mouths. One by one, side by side our skis laid, there were 4 pairs in total meaning it wasn't too big but it was surely big enough to fit our food on it, then we laid our clothes on them to make sure the skis don't get too dirty, but there was a problem, we had absolutely nowhere to sit, I'm sure you can see where this is going, we have been walking for some time now and our legs were starting to give way so there we were sitting on the sliver white snow, freezing our bums off, well at least our food wasn't frozen, right? Did I mention, William sat by me? Our hands pressed closely against each other, my head on his shoulders, time seemed to stand still just for the two of us, slowly I was drawn back to reality as if nothing had ever happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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