Chapter 7- The Robbery

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"What do you mean?! Chat what's going on?"

"Hawkmoth has managed to get his hands on a miracle box from the monastery...we think he'll try setting up ally's all over..."

My heart stops and I gasp. "No way...this isn't good..."

"I'll be in New York soon. Ladybugs giving Adrian something that may help you."

"Alright. Thanks Chaton."

"Of course Snowflake."

"I can't wait to see you. I've really been missing my boyfriend." I wink.

"Who is this boyfriend of yours? What's he like?"

"He's tall, and has big green eyes. His hair is bright blonde, and looks messy but also incredibly nice at the same time..."

"Hey! My hair isn't that messy!"

"Erm..." I giggle. "My boyfriend is also incredibly handsome. He's sweet and compassionate, but is also a teeny bit full of himself." I smile at him through the camera. Chat Noir blushes and scratches the head. "What about you? Do you miss your girlfriend?" I ask, smirking.

"Every single day. I miss her (hc) hair, her Aqua eyes, and her tough but caring personality. I bet she's waaaay cooler than your boyfriend." He says, smiling. I can tell that there is 100% truth in his voice when he says these words.

I blush and glance away. I look at the time. 5:36! "Oh my goodness!"

"What is it?"

"The time! I'm supposed to be at the dinner table in fourteen minutes!" I gasp, standing up. "I need to go now my Chaton. You'd better get to bed soon! I don't want you to be exhausted!" I playful scold.

"Yes ma'am." Chat Noir gives me a goofy salute. "Bye Alley."

"Goodnight Chaton."

He hangs up. I smile to myself as my cheeks turn bright pink.

Shoot the time!!

I bolt as fast as I can back to the apartment, leaping into the window right at 5:50 on the dot.

"Kitti, whiskers off." I say, turning back to myself. I pull out a strawberry from my bag and hand it to the hungry Kwami. Kitti happily takes it and munches away.

I head to the kitchen table where my entire family is waiting for me. "Yeesh it's about time..." Chris rolls his eyes and shoves a fork full of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Sorry. My uh...Geometry homework took longer than expected." I say, taking a sip of my water.

"That's okay sweetie. We're proud of you for working so hard." My mom says, placing her hand on top of mine.

I feel a pang of guilt I'm my chest. Of course I felt horrible about lying to my family, but then again, if they knew I was Alley Cat, that'd put them in direct danger. I sigh and stab my grilled chicken with my fork.

We eat in silence for a couple of moments before Ethan speaks up with a mouth full of food. He begins rambling on about his amazing day and I eventually tune him and the rest of the conversation, out.

I glance out the window and see Parakeet glide by, and a few seconds later, Bandit runs by on the wall as well.
I quickly stuff the last bites of mashed potatoes in my mouth and excuse myself.

I run into my room and slam the door shut. "C'mon Kitti. We've got work to do!" I say, waking Kitti from her nap. She gives me an annoyed look.

"Fine let's get this over with..." she groans, stretching across my pillow.

I roll my eyes. "Kitti! Whiskers on!" I say, watching the aqua light surround me. I glance around and climb out my window, slowly closing it behind me.

I pull out my mirror and call Parakeet. A few moments later, she picks up.

"Oh Alley Cat, Hey!" I hear her chirp.

"Hey! I uh...was walking down the street and saw you and bandit. What's going on?" I ask, trying to not sound suspicious.

"Bandit was listening to the police scanner and heard about a bank robbery. We're headed there now. I'll send you the coordinates."

"Okay, cool. I'll head there now."

"See you!"

I slip my mirror into my belt and begin heading in the direction of the bank. When I arrive, I see Parakeet perched on top of the building, with Bandit sitting next to her. I land near them and bring my voice to a whisper. "What's the situation?"

"There are six men, with four of them surrounding the civilians and the employees inside. The other two men and headed to the ATMs." Bandit explains.

I think for a moment. "What about if I become invisible to take out the robbers while Parakeet leads the civilians to safety. Then, using his telekinesis, Bandit can stop the other two robbers." I explain.

"Sounds good to me!" Parakeet jumps up and smiles.

"Let's do it." Bandit chuckles, a mischievous grin crossing his face.

We split up, Bandit going to the backdoor, Parakeet waiting by the window, and I sneaking in through the front door, my mist already activated. I walk up to one man with a ski mask on, and sweep my leg at his shins, knocking him over.

"WHO WAS THAT?" Another man shouts.

I punch him at full force in the face, sending him flying back.

The last two men angrily run at me, and I chuckle. "Let's make this a bit more fair." I say. "Mist fade." I become visible again but the fight is still a rather easy one. I twist the first ones arm, throwing him over my back and onto the floor. I then knee the sending man in his groin, and punch him across the jaw.

Parakeet swoops in and ties up then men with a rope and leads the civilians out of the building. The two of us walk outside into the hustle and bustle of the city, as people surround us, taking pictures, videos, and asking questions.

Bandit joins us a few moments later. "I added the other two guys to your pi—Whoa." He glances around at the crowd in shock.

"Who are you guys?" A woman with short black hair and nose a lip piercing asks, holding up her phone.

"My name is Parakeet, and this is Bandit and Alley Cat." Parakeet begins.

Bandit smiles and glances at us. "New York City's new superhero team."

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now