Chapter 1

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I sat on the pinnacle of the hill, overlooking the sea. A brisk wind mixing salty particles from the sea into my hair and unto my face. I sat quietly letting the sound of the wind shout out the sound of my breathing. It was times like this I treasured the most; times that I experienced the most personal points in my life. After my first kiss I spent the rest of the evening hiding up here in fear because he went in for a French kiss and I was hoping for a peck. It wasn't until the entire town was lit with street lights that I finally strolled back home; to a frantic mom. That time I swore I was gonna commit suicide because my mom stepped out of her marriage and I thought the family was gonna get separated yep I was here.

The sound of my phone pierced my nostalgia, I can only guess that it was my mom wondering where I could be. I was right. I answered.


"Please don't tell me you're at that god forsaken hill again?!?! Mason please get home quick there's a storm rolling in. " I hung up the phone and lookedupward at the swirly incoming black mass that was an impending thunderstorm, the wind was started to become slightly violent I can almost smell the anger coming my way. Like at the beginning of a battle where both sides are hopeful and filled with fantasies of victory and triumphant bloodshed.

I rose to my feet dusting off my dress, climbing back into my boots and heading toward the path in the woods. By the time I reached the opening of the trail the black swirly mass has already moved ahead of me on its way to cover the sky. The woods were dark and mysterious, but I figured what's the worse that could happen in this shallow town.

"The longer I wait the darker it will be, better to get this over with now" I entered into the woods making my way down the path. The sound of my footsteps being my only Comrade. I never focused my eyes to left or right of me I just focused ahead, praying for this path to end. I didn't turn my head when I heard a some rustling to the left, I didn't jump when a flash of lightening illuminated the forest and brung to life a galaxy of shadows, watching me. Shaking the fear from my soul I trudged on. Through the strong gusts of wind an heavy downpour I kept walking.

Close to the ending of the path my left peripheral caught a glimpse of another shadow in the distance, I ignored it until It was not longer in sight. Then I swore I saw it again or was it a new one? Like last time it disappeared. A half a minute later the shadow appeared again. Was it the same one as before or am I being stalked by multiple shadows. And were they getting closer?!?! I fought the fear driving my heart crazy and picked up the pace. Another shadow this time about five trees away, then another one three. Filled with panic I closed my eyes and ran. The path was a straight shot so I didn't have to worry about turns or curves . I ran without worry of falling or past the hands grabbing at me. Or were they branches. Were there branches in these woods? Are those footsteps running behind me or am I hearing my own? I ran faster and shut my eyes harder. I finally felt hard industrial pavement beneath my feet and opened my eyes finally to a blurry and cloudy mixture of rain and my vision adjusting myself.

A loud sound shattered my panic state, I looked up, two headlights blending in with my hazy state. I quickly took a few steps backwards careful not step onto the natural forest floor. By now the downpour was at its peak, I can only imagine how pathetic I looked, my baggy dress sticking to my body from the rain , heavy eyeliner shedding down my cheeks .

Regaining my composure I lead a fast paced walk toward the center of town, where my home is a straight shot. I usually walk around but I wanted to be in some sort of public view. I was halfway into the center making my way past the local bakery when I noticed shadows once again in my eyesight. Panic stricken, fearing that I'm being hunted down I began to frantically search my surroundings hoping for a clear shot out of this. But what I saw wasn't shadows, they were blue and red lights dancing in the distance. Out of curiousity I began walking toward the scene the police lights becoming more and more clearer. There was also an ambulance and a fire truck near as well.

"I don't even remember hearing any sirens h-"

"Mason!!" My heart dropped into my bowels. It was the chief of the police department. I've known him most of my life and can never get out of my head how green his eyes were, or how dark his hair was sitting high on top of his 6 foot frame. He was amazingly stunning, and so was his junior class son and his bitch of a classmate daughter.

"You need to be home, you're mom has been calling up at the office for you." He walked around and blocked my view of the scene.

"What happened?"

"Nothing that isn't going to be on the news tonight. You know Mason, you can't continue to worry your mother like this. Hanging out by yourself at the outskirts of town. Why don't you hang out at the mall or the arcade like the other kids."

"Well because every kid is at the mall or the arcade." He gave me a bewildered look "so it's always packed and it takes nearly forever just to get something to eat."

He gave a stiff smile before walking so close to me I could only see the rain in my eyes and his uniform. He put his hands on my shoulder and turned me toward the gates (the name for where the middle class folks I.e me live).

"Get out of this rain before I have to hear about you at the dinner table" his wife is a nurse at the local hospital. "You're mom is probably worried sick and this rain isn't going to let up anytime soon. Don't worry I'll watch you just to make sure your safe"

I walked away from the scene. I didn't have to look back to know what was behind me. Good looks with a plastered smile that didn't match his thoughts. He probably thought I was an Emo or something always secluded to myself, that's what all the adults think. Up at the end of town square with my house in looking distance I took a quick glance back at the center. The chief was still watching me, probably still wondering why I'm so weird, I looked quickly past him. I could only see the emergency lights and a few yellow spots, but nothing else. I waved and had one delivered in return, and I continued on home getting as far away as I could away from the shadows.

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