XIX. A Father's Love

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Chapter Nineteen

"Is it true?" My brother asks once we are in the air, at a safe distance from Banner's lab. "Did you stab my daughter with a knife?"

This conversation isn't going to go well. I shrug at my brother, trying to go the route of levity: "Technically I threw a knife at your daughter."

I think I made it worse. My brother looks furious. "How dare you? You could have killed her!"

"But I didn't kill her! She's fine!"

"No thanks to you."

"She was trying to escape with John and the sample of Hale's blood. I had to do something. If they had succeeded and created the serum we could have been done for. Do you want that? Do you want to go back into our mental prison?"

"Of course not! But I will not sacrifice my daughter's life for our freedom!"

"Oh please, she isn't even blood."

My brother looks as if I just slapped him, the disgust and offense in his eyes is unlike anything I've ever seen. "I found her when she was four years old. I raised her. I was there through every nightmare, every illness, every tantrum, every holiday, every book she read, every homework assignment she was given. We may not be blood, but I'm her father and she's my daughter."

"No," I say firmly, standing up out of the co-pilot seat, looking down at my brother. "Alexander Roberts-Chikere found her, he was there through all of those thing, he is her father. You simply watched from a small corner of Alex's mind, and you will return to that small corner if you aren't careful."

"If that's the case then you didn't give birth to Olivia and Steve, you aren't their real mother, Soroya is."

"Tread lightly, brother," I warn, gripping onto his shirt, pulling him down so his face is close to mine, alarm filling his gaze as it's locked onto mine. "Don't let your weakness get in the way of our mission. If you do anything to sabotage our freedom, if you step out of line, then I will do much worse than through a knife at you. Am I clear?"

My brother's expression darkens, and his voice is cold, curt and low as he says: "Crystal, sister."

"Good," I say just as coldly, releasing my grip on him. "Call Hale, tell him we're on our way back. And tell him to get the mutts ready, we need to be ready to attack in a few hours."

He nods, his jaw tightening. "Yes, sister."



"How screwed are we?" Stevie asks from where he stands next to Jo.

Jo shakes her head at Stevie. "I think screwed isn't even the right word. We're fucked, that's what we are."

"There's no more of Hale's blood, there's no way I can make more serum, but even if I could, there isn't enough time. Hale, the Savage, and the Shifter attack in less than twelve hours." Analiese says, one hand in her hip, her other hand playing with the hemline of her navy prison jumpsuit. "I think Jo's sentiment was accurate, we're fucked."

"There has to be another way." Zy says, his eyes continuously falling onto me, making me begin to blush. The last thing I should be thinking about is the kiss he and I shared, but every time our eyes meet it's exactly what comes to mind. He and I both need to focus right now, we can't afford to be distracted, not with what's about to go down in a few hours.

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