A beautiful morning

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Hop u guyz like this book am going to write, its my very first book am not a realy good writer but would just like to give it a try thnk:-)............

l'm going to start by stating for the record that am not a morning person.l never have been,am not now,l suspect l will never will be.As much l would like to be the type A,a fully functional adult, who has her life together and is a morning person,l just don't know if it'll ever come to be.l just like nights to much, l just like getting into the world of slumber, but l realy try too punctuate myself.

My alarm goes off at 6:00A.m, a sound that l never get along with, l woke up, while still half asleep and recited my morning dua"Alhamdulliahi ladhi ahyana ba3da amatana wailayhi nushur=All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto him is the ressurection" since when l was alittle kid my mom taught me to recite it just when l wake up so its stuck in my thick head,then went and took my wudhu which made me feel fresh and prayed my fajr prayer and recited some ayaas from the Quran, l cant describe the feeling l get after doing that in the morning, l just feel fresh,full of energy and happiness for the day.

l took a shower, brushed my theeth and wore my beautiful black skirt and paired it with a very beautiful blouse, l wore my cardigan and wore my hijab(my symbol of love). My first reason to wear hijab is to please Allah (SWT) before anyone. I applied abit of mascara and eye pencil and a very light lipgloss on my lips , thats says enough cause am not a makeup person, l then checked on my laptop to make sure the project which l had to represent infront of my class was ok. I took my bag and move on to my sisters room Nabila, who was still asleep as she dint have to go to school today cause they had sports, and she wasn't a fun of sports, l kissed her forehead and whispered on her ear,"am going take care."

she never fails to notice me, she took my hand and kissed my both hands and said,"Maryam,you're the best sister in the world." I hugged her and it was such a beautiful moment over there, since we're the only ones in the family we grew uo with so much love for each other and Nabila respects me alot since am the elder sister, am just her complete oppisite Nabila is so quiet , realy shy and a very beautiful girl while am the talkative and the charming one ready to make anyone smile. I told her to go back to sleep as l went down the stairs smelling the aroma of the omellete, which my mom was making for me . I went to the kitchen greeted my mom,which l can say the most perfect mom ever, she always knows what we need, l kissed her hand and got on the table, l set the table and went and called my dad for breakfast.

We all sat for breakfast except Nabila who was compensating for the days she lost her sleep, we were eating while busy talking about Nabila making jokes and laughing all together, l always wish my family always remains happy and together always, l took my bag and commenced to school, before that my mom told me to recite dua before going out"Bismillahi tawakaltu alal -laah walaula walakuwata ila billah"ln the name of Allah, l place my trust in Allah and the is no might nor power except with Allah. My mom use to tell me when u say that the angels say, you shall be defended, protected and guided.l then went to college.

Heys guys l know its a short chapter, will realy try my best to write well and make sure l make a longer chapter, plzz read and vote l just need your cooperation, inshaAllah will try to make a nice book
Plzzz voteeeeee:-)

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