My jaw literally opened wide at that point and I gaped at the boy, wincing when I moved my hands just the slightest within my seat to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. Nope no way. It really hurt, so it was clearly reality. Sitting just across from me, tied up in his own ropes and restraints was the one and only Sawyer Cash from my best friend Aimee's favorite boyband Miscommunication.
"Please tell me you're not going to freak out." Sawyer spoke up quietly, his face showing anxiety as he peered curiously at me. "I think I already get enough of that day to day and I don't know about you, but I just wanna get the hell out if this hell hole and back to my bandmates and back to our world tour and interviews."
I continued to gape widely at him, still not really absorbing all the words that he was saying to me and put my hand on my jaw, closing my mouth from my embarrassment. I shook it off before speaking back in my own quiet tone. "I'm sorry, but no. No I won't freak out either. The only freaking out I would do is the same kind of freaking out you're doing right now. Do you know anything that happened leading to us getting here?"
Sawyer frowned, wincing a bit as the close proximity of the seats rubbed against his neck. But then he bit down on his bottom lip and stared at me for a few minutes, looking like he was considering through his thoughts. "Now that I think about it, yes. Yes I do. I was just about to exit Starbucks and then I heard a girl, must have been you, screaming for help and kicking her legs wildly. There was a guy too, but I didn't see his face I just know that he was more of a muscular build and a bit taller than myself. You were being shoved inside a car, but then the guy noticed me and quickly walked over, clearly recognizing me, and blindfolded me before putting me in the car too. It could've been my car for all I know. I don't exactly remember that bit."
"How'd you not see his face?" I whispered, feeling a bit angry at him. If he would've seen his face maybe we would be able to concentrate on getting out of here and actually reporting the guy!
"I was distracted." He sighed, looking down at his rope restraints. "I was about to pick up my phone and call the police and by then it was too late because the guy took my phone and tied me in here. So no luck."
I nodded my head and ducked low so the kidnapper had no chance of seeing me in action, before I reached across and used my fingers to begin untying Sawyer's ropes. His seemed to be even tighter than mine, but I assumed the kidnapper figured that since Sawyer is a guy it'd be easier for him to get out so he made his restraints tighter. I think the kidnapper was wrong. I think I'm better at getting out then Sawyer is. He seems kinda weak for a guy if you ask me. Sure, Aimee would kill me if she heard me say that but it's true.
I managed to pull his ropes a bit looser before I mumbled some quiet words to him. "Don't you have any strength at all? You're a man, I'm sure you can pull on the ropes a bit yourself!"
He rolled his eyes at me and let out a quite dramatic sigh. "Miss, I am a singer. A pop star in fact. I'm not a bodybuilder and my only form of working out includes going to the gym whenever my dietician asks me too, our so called dance moves on the stage when we're performing and a regular amount of sex. Now I don't know about you, but none of those activities seem exactly strenuous enough to be able to magically pull through ropes. I'm not exactly at the perfect angle to yank through them. That's why it's wonderful you're here."
"Ah so it's not just my company." I lightly laughed, trying to ignore his comment about often having sex. Good for him! He's twenty two years old and he can do well... that all he wants. Just because I'm seventeen doesn't mean I've done it or haven't, it just doesn't matter all that much at all to me. So whatever. I can get more gossip for Aimee, I mean she'll want to know everything anyways when I'm out of here. Like she'd say it's Sawyer Freaking Cash! Ha.

Teen FictionYou've probably always thought of Sawyer Cash as the jokester in the popular boy band Miscommunication. Well me I had always thought of him as my favorite of the band and my future husband. It's hard to think those thoughts when one of your best fri...