Teasing him

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I woke up and sighed feeling the empty side of the bed

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I woke up and sighed feeling the empty side of the bed. Satoni left last night and didn't return. He said that he was going out with Matteo to tour the city. I wanted to go with him but he told me that I needed to get some rest. Today we were going to be attending the celebration party for Giovanni and Kari. It was our last day in Paris and I wanted to enjoy it. Everything has been fun so far and I have fallen in love with the place. I wanted to stay here a few more days but I knew that we needed to get back to California. I sat up slowly and wrapped the blanket around my naked body. I glanced at my phone and noticed a text message from my brother. He has been texting me a lot more lately and I was happy. He was making sure that Satoni was treating me right and I was happy. I told him that I was in Paris right now and I was enjoying myself. I sent him lots of pictures of the city and the food. I asked him why he decided to keep me here with Satoni and he told me that he would explain when he saw me. When I got back to California, he planned to visit me. I was happy that he was willing to talk to me and give me answers. Satoni wouldn't answer any of my questions and that irritated me. The bedroom door opened and I turned around to see Kari walking in. She smiled at me before looking at her reflection in the mirror. She looked beautiful this morning even though her hair was messy and she was in her SpongeBob pajamas.

"How did you sleep?"

I looked up and shook my head, "great. What about you?"

"I haven't got much sleep the past two nights. Giovanni can't get enough of me and I don't mind." She laughed turning to face me.

I laughed and shook my head, "I'm glad and congrats again on your engagement."

Her eyes widened and she waved her hand, "enough about me. Did you and Satoni finally do it last night?"

"No, he wasn't interested."

She frowned, "what? What do you mean? I know that he's not gay so why is he denying you?"

I shrugged, "who knows and who cares? He has endless women at his feet and he was out all night. He probably hooked up with someone else."

She put her hand on her chin, "hmm that's odd."

"Do you know of any women that he talks to?"

"He talks to this one girl but he doesn't love her. They have sex but that's all. She lives in California and her name is Riley. But you shouldn't worry about that. We need to get you looking sexy for my celebration party. We just have to tease him enough so he can pay attention to you."

"Kari, I don't want Satoni. I don't care about teasing him or if we have sex or not. He is only holding my hostage to taunt Vain. It's not like he cares about me or anything." I hated to hurt her feelings but she needed to know the truth. Satoni and I having a relationship would never happen. He didn't want me and I accepted that.

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