8 | when you're chilling while playing your instruments ; hyung

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| chan

you boringly strummed some random chords on your guitar. it was a boring day, and chan was busy too. you hummed some melody. chan who just finished his work, turn his attention to you. " y/n what are you doing?" he break the silence. " trying to learn something,, but I'm too lazy.." you mumbled lazily. chan stand on his foot and stretched his back before jumping on your body. you groaned. " play some song." he said while snuggling.

| minho

you sit in front of your keyboard, playing some chords. you sing boringly before sighing. you turn towards minho who's busy playing with his phone. then, he returned the eye contact. " what?" he mumbled. " any request?" you smiled while resting your hand on the keys. he smirked. " what about wow?" he giggled. " sigh okay,, BUT you sing your part and felix part." you sighed lazily. he stick his tongue out.

| changbin

you snatched han's guitar and plopped yourself on the sofa. you start playing another day. changbin get out of his room and start singing his part dramatically. you giggled a bit before ruining the song. " YAH stop making mistake." he whined. " my finger slipped! why did you sing like that tho." you laughed. " play from the start again." he crossed his arm.

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