Y/N Introduction

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A young teen looking for anything to entertain her. She never quite fits in because of her 'best friend' since birth. Y/N's family perished due to an 'unfortunate' accident but inherited the family fortune of the famous L/N corporation, young Y/N decided to travel to the Tokyo Japan in hopes to find something you always wanted, friends. You never really liked to be the serious types so goofing off is what you always do. If you are really into an event you get overly excited causing you to..how do I say this uh a bit hectic It rarely happens so don't worry ;) But you are very smart with observing and strategizing.(that IQ of 195 ;) )

Name: Y/N L/N
Age: 17
Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, some fRench and Korean
Height: 162.56 cm ( if you don't like it then feel free to input your height in^^)
Family: deceased
Status: Alive and healthy
Fighting potential: Capable to take out a gang of 15 skilled fighters with brute strength
Weapon: ???Ibs 4in thick 4 ft long black rod can kill someone if you want to
Catchphrase: "Imagine if I had a real weapon" "You bore me already"
"Baka🙄" "What a drag"

You have an imaginary 'friend' who you can only see and actually touch him, but he always breaks things so you get the blame on, he has a big purple/blueish cloak around him with six blue small circle lights for his goggle, he always has this weird lantern staff thingy with him at all times. His height stands at 6'2 making you shorter than him by a lot he can talk in small paragraphs and he has humor, being a curious bunny you asked him about everything you can think of at the moment. He told you about how he uses his lantern as a deadly ass weapon or him being a 'stand'. You didn't want to call him "Mr. imaginary friend" all the time so you made a name for him and was quite satisfied. "from now on your name will be Jax, Grandmaster at Arms"

382 words

(I know its not a really good stand name but please dismiss it thank you! Also Jax is a league of legends champion since I lack originality :D )

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