Tokiya Ichinose

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Luna didn't know what would happen to her on the day of her birthday, she expected a whole bunch of nothing-like years beforehand, even if she had a boyfriend, it didn't make a different to her. Her boyfriend was an idol who was more times than not busy with his work and style of life to even bother spending a few minutes here or there with her. She never kept her hopes up that anything would ever change, she never really gave a damn about her birthday anyways so like it would have mattered.

So she went to bed late, around three am in the morning writing for her novel that she did for her own job. She had no 'days off' or 'vacation days' they were things that didn't exist for her. If she was breathing and able to think and use her fingers-she would be writing her novel, nothing should stay in the way of that. When she woke up around noon she didn't even think to check her phone that day, she just did her normal routine of getting up, dressed before eating then going back to work once more.

Around three she got a call and finally picked up her phone not looking at who it was. "Asato Luna how may I help you?"

"Wow Luna, All business huh? Do you ever look at your phone?"

Luna's brown eyes widen as she heard the voice of Tokiya, she hadn't heard or seen him in weeks because of how busy he had been. She then shut her eyes to keep herself calm before she sighed out. "No, never. Cause usually whomever calls is because of business, you've never called me before so I don't expect the random call from you."

It was then his turn to sigh out. "I'm sorry, I've been rather busy."

"I know, it's why I don't expect the calls from you. You obviously want something since you're reaching out to me so what is it Tokiya?"

"Can...Can you meet me somewhere? I'd like to spend today with you."

She pushed away from her desk as she crossed her legs over one another. "What makes you think that I can do such a thing?"

"I know you're a workaholic Luna, but for one day-can't you allow me to try to be a good boyfriend to you?"

She ran her freehand through her raven hair before she shut her eyes, leaning back against her chair. "Hm...I guess I can attempt to leave the house for a day."

"Alright, thank you. Meet me at the cafe you and I met at in ten minutes I'll see you there."

"Hm...alright Toki, see you soon."

She then hung up as she sighed out. "What the hell is with that boy?"

She then saw when she hung up that she had a message, curious she read the message only to see that it was from Tokiya who sent it to her around six am that morning.

|Good morning Luna, Happy 21st birthday. I know you and I don't get to talk or spend a lot of time together, so today I was hoping you and I could. I was given today off so I can be around you. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you Luna. I love you and I hope you haven't been too lonely without me around.|

She teared up as she realized that he hadn't forgotten about her birthday, she covered her mouth as she tried her best not to cry. "T-Toki..."

She instantly got her shoes on before she rushed out of her apartment, she made sure to lock the apartment door before going to the small cafe that was two blocks from where she lived. She looked around for Tokiya only to feel someone hug her from behind, she jumped and she looked behind her only to see the handsome dark haired male that was her boyfriend.


She turned herself around and hugged him tightly as he hugged her back. "Happy birthday Luna."

Book One: Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now