Do They Snore? How Badly?

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Jake: Yes, but it's the really cute small snores that tell you he's there without being too distracting.

Dwight: You don't know, he always falls asleep after you and wakes up before you, even if he stays in bed with you to cuddle. He always teases you about your snoring however, always keeping you guessing about whether you do or don't.

David: This mother fucker has the loudest snore out of all of the survivors. You can hear him snoring from a tent over and it drives you crazy.

Quentin: No he doesn't, once he falls asleep it's hard to wake him up but at least he doesn't snore.

Trapper: Sadly he does. Despite how nice it is to cuddle and nap with him, his snores get quite annoying. If you can overlook that however, he's rather good at cuddling and a pretty good nap buddy.

Wraith: It depends. He usually doesn't but if he's having a particularly rough day and he's exhausted, then he snores lightly. 

Billy: He does, but he also doesn't know how annoying that it can be so he's always trying to cuddle up right next to your head. If you told him however he'd go to bed with the intent to be quieter.

Doctor: He doesn't, but you've only ever seen him doze off. He's like Dwight where he falls asleep after you and wakes up earlier, but that's because he's up in his office working.

Michael: He doesn't.

Legion: It depends. Usually he doesn't, mostly because he likes to take naps throughout the day instead of sleeping all night long. If he stays up though and sleeps for a while he occasionally does.

Ghostface: He doesn't, and if you ask him about it, he'll tell you stories about how he'd fallen asleep outside of his victim's houses and still managed to get away without being seen. Be careful though, if you get him talking about his past kills he may end up going on until you stop him.

Pyramid Head: No he doesn't, and you're not even entirely sure if he even sleeps. He's awake when you go to bed and awake when you wake up, just like Dwight and the Doctor. Unlike the two of them however, you've never seen him doze off, nor does he ever lay in the bed with you unless you specifically ask.

Deathslinger: Yes, he does. He's the type of person to fall asleep in their chair with their head tilted back and he snores because of that. It's also rather easy to prank him because of that.

Oni: He's the David of the killers. If he's loud while he's awake, he's ear shattering when he's asleep. It's to the point where it's hard to sleep next to him without headphones or some other way to block out all of the noise.

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