An unexpected guest

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Hayvenhurst, 1980
LaToya's POV (just trust me on this)

The warm summer night had begun getting cold, as we were sitting on the porch, chatting and playing games. "It's a bit chilly now, isn't it?" Y/N, who was sitting to my right, sharing one of the love-seats with my younger brother, said. Hums of agreement was heard, while Michael turned to her and asked "Do you want me to get you another blanket, baby?". The two of them had been dating for about a year, after Michael finally mustered the confidence to ask her out, although it had been painfully obvious to anyone but the two, that they had been in love with each other for months.
I remember the day I first met her, after listening to Michael rambling about this new friend he'd made on the set of The Wiz in New York a few years back - thankfully i convinced him to ask her over for dinner at our apartment, and as they say, the rest is history. Y/N was now one of my best friends, and a great addition to the family, as she already was even when her and Michael were 'just good friends'.
She was, once again, staying over - this time for for two weeks, as she was studying ways away from L.A., which I know was hard on both her and my brother. You could see it in their eyes, how happy they were during times like these - a sign of true love, my mother said. Y/N smiled at Michael "No thank you, I think I'll just go to bed, it is getting late after all. If that's okay with you, Toya?" She said while streching her arms above her head. "Yeah, that's fine. I think I'll come with you, I'm kinda tired, too" I replied.
We said goodnight to the rest of the brothers, as Janet had already been sent to bed, and went inside the house again, but not before Michael had caught Y/N to give her a real goodnight kiss. Randy made a gagging noise as Marlon said "Get a room, man! Don't eat her alive right in front of my eyes!" We laughed as Y/N followed me inside, with bright-red cheeks.
Y/N usually stayed with me whenever she was visiting, partly because we were great friends, and partly because mother did not allow her and Michael to sleep in the same room, because of her religious beliefs. But Y/N never complained and we had loads of fun, laughing and gossiping at night, and I loved doing her hair and makeup, as it was something she never really did herself - altough I never had the time to go all-in with the dress-up as Michael would always interrupt us, moaning about how I'd taken up his time with her.
As it turned out, we were actually pretty tired, and I took a quick shower before coming back to the room, where I found Y/N reading a book on her bed, which was a spare one that had been put in my room for her. "Whatcha reading?" I asked, while sitting down at my vanity, getting ready for bed. "The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway. Michael reccomended it to me, it's actually pretty interesting. Its about this sailor named Santiago and how he overcomes the struggles in his way" I smirked at her through the mirror. "What?" she said, giggling. "You know what. Of course it's a book he gave you, I would have been surprised if it wasn't considering the collection he has. Coming to think of it, I don't think I ever really see him without his face in a book, well, unless his face busy doing something else, like being on your face" I laughed. "Toya!!" Y/N tried scolding me, but she too was laughing, her face once again bright-red. "I would say you're wrong, but you're really not".

Michael's POV
I had been laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling for who knows how long. Not long after the girls had gone to bed, had the rest of us decided to do the same, seeing at it was nearly midnight anyway. I looked over at the clock on my bedside table. 00.56. They must be asleep by now I thought to myself, and decided to go check. When I went up to my room, I heard chatter and laughter coming from Toya's room, but that was at least an hour ago. My mission was to sneak into their room and cuddle with my Y/N but without Toya noticing. I couldn't help it, knowing that she was only a few doors down the hallway, and besides, I never really slept as sound as I did when she was in my arms. It had sort of become a routine by now, as my baby had been here for a week, and she was too scared to sneak out to my room, and was too heavy a sleeper to get up and back to Toya's room in the morning.
So alas, here I was, on my tippy-toes in the hallway, just in my pajamas. I put my cheek against the door, and as there was no noise, and no light coming out from under the door, I took my chance and slowly opened the door. To my horror, it creaked, and I cringed while freezing, but resumed, as no one had heard me, or so I assumed.
Finally, I carefully closed the door and made my way across the room, but not before i stepped on something sharp and let out a yelp, before clasping my hand over my mouth and staring intensely at what I made out to be LaToya's sleeping figure. No movement. At last, I creeped under the covers, instantly overwhelmed by the warmth and smell of Y/N's shampoo, lavender and rose. Sweet, just like her. "You certainly made an entrance there" her beautiful voice whispered to me, as I put my head on the pillow beside hers. "I didn't know it was gonna be an obstacle course today" I whispered back, finally getting to admire her face in the moonlight shining through the windowblinds, mesmerised. She smiled and leaned in, kissing my nose as her hand found her way to the nape of my neck, massaging the skin there, giving me chills, as I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around her, intertwining our legs.
We were then quiet for a while, just enjoying each others company, as we didn't really need to say anything, to know how the other felt, and also to avoid waking my sister, sleeping just 5 feet away. Looking Y/N in the eyes, I felt my heart swell. She made me so happy, her love made me feel so high, and she didn't even have to do anything. As far as I was concerned, there were only us in the world at this moment. No one else, just me and my baby. God, how I loved her, with every fiber in my being. I had already known for a while, but laying there, I really was sure that I didn't want to ever live a day without her, as cliché as it sounds. I couldn't wait to marry her and have children, spending the rest of our lives together. She would be such a wonderful mother, I was sure. She was already so great with my nieces and nephews, they all loved her, and were always asking me if Auntie Y/N was coming, whenever they saw me without her.
I slowly leaned in and softly peppered her beautiful face with kisses, ending on her soft lips, and I was sure I was in heaven. "I love you so much" I whispered, nuzzling my face into her hair. "I love you too, so much" she whispered back, and before I knew it, I had slipped into a heavy sleep, dreaming of the girl in my arms.

LaToya's POV
I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes and streched as i yawned. Thankfully we got to sleep in today, as no one really had any plans, but we had decided to go to the beach, if the weather was nice. I looked over at Y/N to see if she was awake, and saw her sleeping, only to whip my head back at her so fast I thought I almost broke my neck.
She was not alone, beside her, or, halfway under her, was my brother, both of them sleeping heavily, with their limbs completely entangled in ways I could not make out. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I let out a surprised shriek. Luckily, none of them seemed to notice and I turned my back to them, pretending to be sleeping again.
I could not believe Michael, sneaking into my room thinking I would not notice, well, I hadn't until now, so I guess he had succeeded, sort of, as I was now sure he had been doing this all week, as he had seemed much better rested in the mornings since Y/N's arrival. That little sneak. I smiled to myself, as I couldn't help but to be happy at their happiness. I just hoped it wouldn't take him as long to ask her to marry him, as it took him to ask her on a date.
Finally, after a while, I heard the sheets crinkling and heard Michael whisper something I couldn't make out. Then I heard his soft footsteps, and finally the door closing. I looked at the clock on my wall. Quarter past seven.
Barely an hour later, we we're in the kitchen, Y/N helping Janet and Marlon make breakfast, while I sat at the table with the rest of my brothers, Michael to my left. I leaned over and whispered to him "You better sneak out before I wake up next time, little brother" his eyes widened like saucers and he looked at me, a blush creeping up on his neck and cheeks. "I-" he stammered, looking over at Y/N as i followed his eyes. "I know, Michael. Just marry her in this decade please. Anything else would be insufferable for the rest of us." I said with a laugh, smiling at him. "Don't worry, I will." He answered with a smile and eyes shining so bright I would've known he was looking at her, even if I wasn't sitting right next to him.

(A/N: My first short story! I hope you liked it haha, it's an idea that's been running around in my mind for a while. Please send in your requests, as I would love to get this book going, but have not got a plethora of ideas just now. Love, C xx)

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