Reunion and saying fuck you

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Izuku Frost had just revealed himself as his former identity Izuku Yagi his parents said in pure sadness and joy looking at Izuku and so did the females the boys however were just pissed off"My baby you've come back to me"Inko said running to hims about to hug him but before her arms could rap around his body he pushed her away from him and she tripped on the floor shocking everyone except his fiances "I didn't come back to you Inko Yagi"Izuku said with spite"Izuku Yagi that is no way to talk to your mother now then come home you can bring those nice young ladies "Toshinori said smiling "piss off she is no mother of mine and you are nothing to me nor am i a Yagi i am a frost plus i would never ever introduce my fiances to you  "Izuku said glaring at them "what no way your a Yagi and what the hell do you mean they are your fiances "Izumi said angrily "Screw Yagis ,screw you and i am engaged to these three and one more girl"Izuku said nonchalant"IZUKU YAGI YOU ARE COMMING HOME WITH US AND YOU THREE DON'T YOU DARE GO ANYWHERE NEAR MY BOY OR I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET IT"Toshinori shouted as Izuku then got enraged "SHUT IT DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING TO MY FIANCES YOU PIECE OF CRAP AND I AM NOT YOUR SON"Izuku shouted back"Izuku listen young man you are our son and ours alone no matter what and you will come home with us do i make myself clear"after Inko finished Izuku titled his head down his hair shadowing his eyes "I hate you "Izuku said lifting his head up revealing an angry stare

Izuku Frost had just revealed himself as his former identity Izuku Yagi his parents said in pure sadness and joy looking at Izuku and so did the females the boys however were just pissed off"My baby you've come back to me"Inko said running to hims...

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then all of a sudden everyone opposite of Izuku were slammed into the ground by cold air Izuku walked forward and Lifted Inko and Toshinoris heads by their hair and said " i had no quirk no power to protect myself now I do and if you even think i'm coming back to my hell hole in the home I suffered in for years with not one person giving a single shit them your dead wrong and one more thing"Izuku said dropping his parents head which made their heads slam onto the ground again he walked over to his old friends and said "consider this compensation"Izuku said as he made steam come out his fist making his fist super hot he then let Izumi and her group up then within ten seconds he punched Shoto and Shoko in the gut the steam bursting from his punch burning them but causing no scars only a purple mark on their guts ,he made a steam explosion infront of the Bakugo twins sending them both hard into walls and then he wen't to Izumi and covered his fist in thin ice but it was as hard as an mountain and then Izuku reeled back his fist and with all his strength brought it back smashing it into her face as blood and a tooth came out from the impact sending Izumi through the wall .Izuku just stared at his family and bullied then smirked and said"yeesh guys what happened to the oh so tuff Yagis ,Bakugos and Todorokis hmm maybe you should see recovery girl"Izuku said walking away and lifting the air so that his bastard parents could take themeselves and children to recovery girl but they still wanted Izuku back Izuku however just wen't home got a beating from his fiances for beating the shit out of the yagis and then wen't to bed 

Now first day of UA

Izuku is currently in his living room lying down and getting a pal pillow from Stella who was playing with his hair his other fiances Rias and Mio were currently getting dressed in the UA uniform since today wad their first day and they weren't gonna be late .Mio and Rias had just come down and saw the two"come on darling sis we need to go "Mio said as she exited the house the other three following her into Izukus car

Izuku frost the god of ice and everything in itWhere stories live. Discover now