The Castilian Castle

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It was a little later and Zenith was laying in bed still depressed.
His room was fill with magic gear and small magic crystals hanging from the ceiling.
Dire walked in with some warm milk.
"Hey Zenith, I got you some warm milk", said Dire.
Zenith turned his head away.
"Okay I'll just set it hear on this table in case you want it later".
Dire set the warm milk on the bed table and started to walk away.
"Dire wait", said Zenith.
Dire stopped and turned around.
"Yes Zenith", said Dire.
A black magic crystal shined signaling Zenith.
"Fusion", said Zenith.
Dire walked back to Zenith.
"What about Fusion", asked Dire.
"He wants my heart", answered Zenith.
"Now why would he want your heart", asked Dire.
"Well, first of all, I know I am powerful but I'm nothing but a coward, I always run away", said Zenith.
"I hanged out with Fusion once, cause he was beautiful, and even human, we were like brothers".
"Really", asked Dire.
"Yeah, but I realized he wasn't either of them, so as usual I ran away", answered Zenith.
"But I can't run much longer I have to report to Spain".
"What is your connection with Spain anyway", asked Dire.
Zenith showed Dire the oath.
"You see up there, that's the oath I took at the sorcery academy, I took a trip to Spain cause that's where I went to practice my magic, now Sancho the second is using sorcerers all over the world for the war", answered Zenith.
"Hey why won't you tell Sancho your not up to battle, I'm sure he'll understand", suggested Dire.
"You have no idea what these people are like Dire", said Zenith.
"But he's the Castilian king, he wouldnt do this to you", said Dire.
"Actually he can", said Zenith.
"Oh to bad no one else can take your place", said Dire.
Zenith had an idea and sat strait up.
"I got it, why won't you go to Spain for me", said Zenith.
"Me", asked Dire.
"Go as Takahashi's father, and tell Sancho that I will not take part of the war cause I'm to afraid to show my face, and maybe master Delirium would finally give up on me", said Zenith.
"Who's master Delirium", asked Dire.
Dire had his Ninja armor polished and putted on his red bandana.
"Your wearing that bandana, after all the magic I used to make your ninja clothes shine", said Zenith.
"It's a finishing touch", said Dire.
"Good luck", said Inferno.
Dire headed for the door.
Zenith walked up and put a ring on Dires finger.
"That ring I gave will help you back home, just open your heart and Inferno will lead you home", said Zenith.
"Thank you", said Dire.
"Remember I will follow you in disguise", said Zenith.
Dire walked out the door into castile and walked towards the Castilian Castle.
Dire looked around to wonder what Zenith disguised as.
"No, Zenith wouldn't be a crow would he, nor a pigeon", said Dire.
Dire spotted a spanish warrior statue.
"Surely not a statue".
Then Dire saw a knight rode a small metal dragon powered by magic.
"That could be him".
As Dire was walking, a blue and white dog wearing a white bandana as a scarf started to follow him.
Dire saw the dog and thought it would be Zenith.
"A dog, really Zenith".
The dog barked trying to answer.
"Well at least I know your following me".
Then Warlock Fusion creeped up in his carriage carried by the death knights.
"Well well if it isn't the tacky little boy from the tacky pawn shop", said Fusion.
"And if it isn't the one who turned me into a monster", said Dire sterned.
"Well I heard you were working for Zenith, how is he by the way", asked Fusion.
Dire looked at the dog.
"He's acting like a baby", answered Dire.
"Is that why your here in Spain right now", asked Fusion.
"Yeah I'm looking for a job here, I'm sick of working for Zenith", answered Dire with a lie.
"But anyway you can break this spell I have"?
"Sorry I know nothing about removing such spells, well I gotta go, later wolfy ha ha ha ha ha", laughed Fusion.
Fusion raced off.
"You get back here and tell me how to break the spell", yelled Dire.
The dog looked at Dire funny.
"Don't look at me like that Zen you complained about your hair but at least your not so cold like he is".
As Fusion entered the castle grounds, some symbols showed on the ground causing the death knights to fall apart dropping the carriage.
Fusion noticed the death knights fell apart on him.
"What on earth is wrong with you two", said Fusion.
"Sorry sir, vehicles are prohibited at this point, you must continue on foot", said a knight.
"That Delirium, making me climb up all those stairs", said Fusion.
Fusion breathed in some magic cologne and stepped outside.
Fusion started heading up the stairs but for some reason struggled.
Dire and the dog caught up.
"Alright up those stairs we go", said Dire.
Dire headed up the stairs but noticed the dog needed help.
Dire went back down and picked up the dog and carried it up the stairs.
"Zenith how come your so heavy".
Dire struggled carrying the dog but still was able to pass Fusion as for Fusion only went up a few steps is already out of breath.
"I don't get it, how does he have all that energy", said Fusion.
"How come someone skinny like you is having issues getting up those stairs", asked Dire.
"I never exersised myself, I used magic to look skinnier but doesn't seem to help me lose weight", answered Fusion tired.
"Why not just give up then, your killing your", said Dire.
"No way, I have came all this way after that idiot Delirium banished me to Japan", said Fusion.
Dire stopped a little past halfway to the top and sat the dog down.
"I need to rest for a little bit", said Dire.
Dire huffed and puffed getting some air.
"Do you mind helping me get up these stairs", asked Fusion.
"Well to bad I'm already helping a dog up the stairs you know, and why help the one who turned me into this", said Dire angry.
Fusion made it almost halfway up the stairs.
"You cold-hearted hairball, I could do anything to make it up to you if you help me up these stairs", yelled Fusion.
"Then how about breaking the spell you put on me then", asked Dire.
"I told you I don't know how", answered Fusion.
"Then start studying", yelled Dire.
Dire continued to carry the dog up the stairs.
Dire made it to the top and sat the dog down and was slightly tired.
Dire turned around.
"Almost there"!
"Right this way chico", said a knight.
"Do you think you can help him up these stairs", asked Dire.
"I'm forbidden to offer such assistance", answered the knight.
"Why that's so rude, the king himself invited him here", said Dire sterned.
Fusion was sweating from the heat and almost reached the top.
"Come on now, are you a warlock or are you a sweating sack", said Dire.
"Just shut up", said Fusion out of breath.
Fusion reached the top sweating and looking older.
"What happened you look so much older", asked Dire.
Dire and fusion entered the castles main hallway.
"Mr Takahashi and Warlock Fusion", said an announcer.
"Your last name is Takahashi", asked Fusion.
"Uh yes cause that's the name of the pawn shop don't you remember", answered Dire with a lie.
"Was it, it can't remember the sign saying that", said Fusion.
"Maybe because it was dark that night and couldn't notice", said Dire.
Dire and Fusion walked in a room and found a nice looking chair in the middle of the room.
"A chair, it's mine", said Fusion.
Fusion ran and sat down on the chair.
The dog rand to a spot in the room.
"Zenith where are you taking me", said Dire following the dog.
Then a door open and a servant escorted Dire in.
"Right this way chico", said the servant.
Dire walked in the room.
When Fusion got comfortable the curtains lifted up and magic was showing behind those curtains somehow affecting Fusion.
As Fusion felt something terrible, some magic replicas of skull conquistadors started circling around him doing something.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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