Marvel and DC Futanari girls x Reader

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(Y/n) woke from his peaceful slumber as morning light cast a warm glow across his room. Dull aching pulsed through his body, but (Y/n) relished in the feeling. It reminded him of the events during the night before. As (Y/n) stared at the ceiling, the light of the sun turning the cream walls a warm yellow, he felt a strong yet delicate hand rub circles across his bare stomach. Lifting his head (Y/n) saw a pale hand caressing his naked skin, trailing his eyes across the pale arm (Y/n) saw that it was connected to his wife, Carol Danvers or Miss Marvel. Carol's elegant yet boisterous short blonde hair seemed to glow with the sun's light. Carol's eyes were closed softly but fluttered ever so slightly as peaceful dreams engulfed her. (Y/n) smiled at his wife's sleeping figure before he felt someone move beside him. (Y/n)'s eyes widened immensely as he felt someone pushing their hips against his own. (Y/n) turned around, careful not to disturb anyone and saw the raven-haired goddess humping him in her sleep. Diana Prince was extremely protective of her husband (Y/n), she wanted him close to her at all times. But the only problem was (But of course (Y/n) doesn't mind) is that centauries of pent up sexual frustration had left Diana wanting more and more.

Now you might be thinking; "Wow, two wives and both from different universes... That's odd but impressive." Well it gets even odder.

(Y/n) Danvers was the husband to not two but six women. Two years ago (Y/n) would have run from any one of them, but now as he laid in bed with one wife caressing his stomach lovingly and another dry humping his waist, (Y/n) Danvers had nowhere he wanted to be more. (Y/n) slept in the center of the huge, custom made bed for the seven lovers. This was because then anyone of his six amazing wives had easy access to him if they wanted a bit of night time fun. All six of (Y/n)'s wives had abnormally large libido, this may have been because of the fact that they are all extremely strong futa women. Most people would be disgusted with this, (Y/n) was too at first. Until after a ravaging night where his first wife Alex Danvers and second wife Maria Hill changed his mind. (Just a quick side note, in this story Alex like everyone is Bi-Sexual instead of lesbian) Many times (Y/n) was forced awake in the middle of the night when one of his many wives shoved their girl cocks into his orifices. Speaking of Alex and Maria, they too laid on the bed still sound asleep. Alex was hugging Diana (Who had finally stopped her humping spree) from behind while Maria was subconsciously groping Carol's breasts. There was also a fifth girl on the bed, Barbara Gordon or Batgirl who was the youngest in the polygamous relationship. The red-haired woman eagerly joined the relationship when offered and now laid next to Alex, a damp patch covering the sheets near her lower half. (Y/n) didn't know why he had spent so long arguing against loving these women, but there was one missing.

(Y/n) heard the familiar creaking of his bedroom door and turned his head towards the bedroom's entrance when the hallway light slowly dawned into the room. There in the door way, dressed in grey sweat pants showing an obvious bulge and a baggy white shirt decorated with the brand of a heavy metal band covered her large breasts. Natasha smiled at her sleeping family then noticed her husband was awake and smiling back at her.

"Hello" the Russian's soft voice was a gift to (Y/n)'s ears. (Y/n) was hypnotized by the tantalizing swaying of Natasha's hips but her scheming eyes stole his gaze as the spy climbed onto the bed and crawled over the tangled legs of the six bodies until she was able to straddle (Y/n)'s chest. Her long strawberry hair a curtain of red as Natasha leaned down to capture (Y/n)'s lips with her own. The kiss was sweet and tasted of caramel and something more intoxicating. When Natasha straightened her body, she smirked at (W/n) like a black widow watching a fly in her web.

"I see you had fun without me" she spoke softly, eager to not wake her wives and risk not having (Y/n) to herself even if she could have him whenever she wanted. (Y/n) lazily smiled in response.

"How was your mission Agent Danvers?" (Y/n) asked, he liked to remind himself any chance he got that these women loved him enough to marry him and each other.

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