2 | What Stands are

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"I just had the most amazing connection with my son right now! Jotaro must be thinking about me at school this very second!"
A high pitched feminine voice resounded out of a hut.

"I'm not thinking about you."
Jotaro answered while he and I appeared at the hut's entrance, causing the woman to stiffen up in surprise before turning around.

Jotaro's place was rather huge with several huts, each representing one room, instead of being connected into one space, separated by walls. Though, the huts were all connected by one hallway positioned behind them. Their place also had a rather huge front yard with a small pond and several flowers.

"Jotaro! Why aren't you at school? And who is that girl.. and that boy on your shoulder? Is that blood that he's covered in?!"
She asked with her eyes wide open.
"Wait a second.. please don't tell me you did that..!"
"None of your business."
Jotaro replied before walking away to the right already.

"I need to find the old man. Finding someone in this big house really sucks."
"I think you can find him with Avdol right now, they're both in the tearoom."

"You are Mrs.Kujo, right? Don't worry about Jotaro.. he didn't do that. My name is Karolina Milewska, but people call me Caroline."
I introduced myself to the blonde woman, Jotaro's mother, turning her attention to me.

"Oh, it's actually the first time ever Jotaro brings a girl with him. Nice to meet you, Caroline. You're not from here, are you?"
She asked me while placing a picture of Jotaro she previously fetched back on a commode.
"No, I am actually from Poland. I'm visiting my aunt and uncle for a few months. Today was my first day at school."

"Oh, in the middle of the school year?"
She remarked, looking at me with astonishment as she raised her eyebrows.
"I will have to adapt for now."
I told her, leading her to smile innocently.

Jotaro's voice resounded, causing his mother and me to look into his direction.
"You were looking a little bit pale this morning. Are you alright?"
He asked his mother, causing me and even her to look at him in surprise.

So Jotaro wasn't as indifferent as I thought, huh?

"Yay! I'm fine, thank you!"
She replied to him, showing the peace sign before Jotaro turned his eyes on me.

"Karolina, didn't you want to come with me?"
He inquired, causing me to nod even though he was looking ahead already.

I faced Mrs.Kujo again, looking at her in trouble.
"Excuse me."
"Of course."
She smiled at me while I ran over to Jotaro as he stood in front of a different hut, the tearoom.

We entered the already open tearoom, meeting an old man and a younger man, probably Avdol Jotaro's mother mentioned.

"Huh? Shouldn't you be at school, Jotaro? Who is this girl and who are you carrying?"
The old man asked while Jotaro gently placed Kakyoin on the ground.

"We will talk chit chat later. Examine him. He has something to do with Dio."
Jotaro told the old man, causing both the old man and Avdol to look at each other for a brief moment.

The old man approached Kakyoin, kneeling down next to him to examine him. After several seconds, the old man spoke up again.
"Well, I hate to say it, but it's too late for him. There is no way he will make it. He's got a few days before he dies at most. You two, this is not your fault. Trust me."

Jotaro continued to look at Kakyoin while the old man's eyes met with mine for a moment.

"Do you want to know why this man swore his allegence to Dio and came to your school to kill you? Look right here, and I will show you."
The old man moved back Kakyoin's hair, exposing his forehead more.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now