Twitter stalker

192 7 1

You'd been tying to get a follow from (Y/F/M) ever sinc they had all got individual accounts, of course you tried to get follows from the other boys but (Y/F/M) was your favourite so you tried harder to get a follow from him.

One night (Y/F/M) tweeted saying he was doing a follow spree and that was it you tweeted and tweeted and tweeted. Until you saw a notification, "Was it?" "Please let it be!" was all that was going through your mind. It tool you ages to pluck up the courage to finally look at the notification. When you finally did you burst with joy. He followed you! He finally followed you! Just as you thought your night couldnt get any better he'd dm-ed you. The (Y/F/M) had dm-ed you. As you tried to calm yourself down you opened up the dm.

"Love you beautiful!<3" you couldn't believe it! The (Y/F/M) had not only just followed and dm-ed you, but he had also said he loved you and called you beautiful! fagkhnfelaherg. Just as you started fangirling again you got another notification. It was (Y/F/M) AGAIN! Ok this was just amazing never did you think this was going to happen. You opened up the dm and it read.

'Hey, um I don't know how to say this but... I've been on your profile a lot recently and well I think you're gorgeous and well I would really like to meet you and maybe go on a date?'


Is this even real life? You pinch yourself a few time to make sure you're not dreaming

*pinch* Oww

*pinch* Oww

Nope definitely awake. You quicky type a reply saying you would love to. You kept it short because you didn't want to make yourself look like an idiot. He replied with his details and where to meet him for your date. This was going to be the most amazing date in the history of dates!

I'm soooo sorry I didn't upload when I said I was going to, I started to write it then went downstairs and Big Brother was on so yeah sorry about that:)

I hope you like this one, I know I usually do seperate imagins for each of the boys but I couldn't think of how to change them all so they were different:)


Did anyone get a Josh follow the other day? I got mine finally!!! So now I have the Band account and Josh follows:) What about you? If you want comment your twitter name and I will dm you to either one or both:)

Also I am 2 votes away from 100!!! Thats insane!! Thank you so much!!!

One more thing Imagine Requests are open so you can either commen on here with your name, band member and what you want it to be about oooorrrrrrr you could message me on here and I will reply and write you one:)

Thank you sooo much again:)<3

Love Ellie xxx

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