Chapter four

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." Zagan shuts the door close with too much force after he gets out of the car.

We were in front of the house, their house.

It was pitch dark, the sun long gone. The moon was now our protector and the stars were coating beautifully the sky. Their property was located deeply in the forest. It was miles away from the town, away from every human touch. It was a place in which you'll be afraid to step in because you can ruin the harmony of it.

It felt intimate.

The house was designed in a modern way. It was painted in black and white, and had big walls made out of glass here and there. I squeeze my eyes and on the right side, on the first floor I can see a balcony.

There are a couple lights on.

A loud growl is heard from inside and the door bursts open.

"Namjoon!"  A man sprints towards us and in a blink of the eye he is right in front of me.

I forgot how to breathe in the second a pair of bright green eyes stares back at me. His chest is rising and falling rapidly.

"Get out of my property!" He fumes not moving his eyes from mine. The intensity of his stare was too much for me. It felt like he was ripping me apart.

I feel my arm grabbed forcefully, and I found myself behind Zagan once again.  Even with him standing like a border between us, his green eyes are not leaving mine. I am trembling and my heart is beating so fast that it might crack open my ribs and leave me.

"Namjoon stop." A guy speaks from beside him. He grabs his shoulder trying to calm him down while Dakho moves in front of us.

"Namjoon, they came to help us." Namjoon finally looks away from me and stares down at Dakho.

"What are they doing here?" The guy from beside Namjoon asks.

"They need a place to stay and- ." Dakho starts explaining but he is cut off by the werewolf they call Namjoon.

"NO!" Namjoon spats demandingly before Dakho could finish.

"The puppy is mad." Zagan mocks him, chuckling under his breath.

He couldn't have kept his mouth shut for once.

"I'll show you what this puppy can do." Namjoon responds gritting his teeth, trying to move towards Zagan, but his shoulders were tightly squeezed by the guy who was beside him a moment ago.

"Go on." He steps forward, challenging him.

"Gladly." His wicked grin foreshadows what could happen between them.

"Stop!" I voice out, the forming sounds vibrating in my chest. I drag Zagan backwards. My brain finally processed the situation we're in. We are dealing with deadly creatures right now.

"Look, we don't want to bother you, but we don't have a choice." I try to resonate with them. My head is spinning again and my whole body is aching. I was attacked by a wolf and a royal today, I don't need to add more attacks on the list. I want this day to finally end.

I stare back at him deadly serious. I need him to understand that we don't have a choice, but stay with them.

Suddenly, my knees are giving up and a strong wave of pain travels through my head. I grip my head tightly and I let out a whimper closing my eyes as if it would stop the pain from spreading. The earth started spinning, making me dizzy. Zagan's arms encircle my waist and press my body to his.

I notice those green eyes staring at me again with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Let them stay."

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