Now the stuff imma tell you is all true . (NO LIE) and it's all about the LEO which is me so it's true events that happen. Now let me start with the time I knew I was gsy , lesbian or whatever the hell you want to call it all I know is that I like girls . No not even like girls I love girls but I have a type tho so it ain't just anybody . (But imma save that for later) but any ways its hard being gay honestly it is all the bullshit we go threw . Trying to find out a girl you like is the same way , or if she's bisexual (but I don't fuck with them ) they like treating me like I'm a nigga and I'm not . Like bitch Ihave a cycle just llike yo ass and don't think I have a dick eaither cause I don't. See already I might have people crakin up or looking like "this bitch has problems" Wellllll your damn right if you don't like it stop reading and let someone sugar code shit for you or keep reading this and let someone tell it how it is .