Modern Take Of The Lion And The Mus

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Once upon a time in totally imagined land...there was a speaking lion and a speaking mus…..
The lion was angry and...annoyed for that wee liitle mus just wouldn't stop trampoling on his torso. "That's it", the lion murmured, rolled over and caught the little brown furball in his claws.
"Exactly what do you think you are doing here?", the lion asked lazily with his eyes closed. Although he was exasperated to the hell and back, he didn't bother let his lids rise, desperately chasing the last bit of sweet summer slumber he was enjoying before that nugget started doing polka dance on him. Come to think of it....squishing it sounded too good a deal to resist.
However, the lion was completely full  from that gazelle this morning and just wanted to lay down in stupor. 'Mmmmm, man it was tasty!' The lion thought and made a mental note to check that brook out once more, first in the morning.
Amidst all his pondering, he felt his claws twitch a bit. ' So the little mus is trying to get out, huh?.’ He thought.
The lion fasten his grip just a little but enough to made the point across that he hadn't forgotten about the intruder.
The mus visibly gulped and started speaking in its squeaky and terrified out of wits voice, " Your gracious Majesty, the  Almighty powerful, the hell raiser, the ravager of beasts----"
Lion sighed but kept his lids closed while the mus continued to thunder down all sorts of over the top entitlements on the lion.
After listening for 10 mins or....maybe 10 hours (it sure as hell felt like it!) The lion let out a small roar, " YEAH yeah we get it!! Why were u hopping on me? Do I have a sign on me, reading, WELCOME,  RODENTS ARE INVITED TO  MOVE A HIP ON THE GOLDEN VALLEY! Do I ?"
"NO NO, YOUR MAJESTY!!"  The horror made the mus raise up its squeak too many octaves. It was painful to hear that! Might need an ear repair appointment. The lion let out a low rumble of impatience, scaring the ever loving fairy lights of the mus!
Suddenly, the mus remembered the lesson it learnt in his Mus's Academic School. That how NO one is smaller or bigger, and in time of crisis..its the intent that matters and other related stuff it didn’t bother listening for he was too busy leering at the Minny mus who was looking especially pretty that day.
Drawing inspiration from that, the mus recited," My lordship, I have done great a folly. In the moment of bravado, I did something completely unforgivable. The other mighty animals who shiver at the name of you, let alone your sight, and here I come and hop on you. Shame on me. SHAME--." The lion was listening intently and patiently until the mus uttered those words, those DESPICABLE words, " but, I assure you, my Lord, that if you let me get away today I assure you that one day I'll also come in aid and help when you are in ne---"
The mus’s sentence laid incomplete as the lion closed his fist around the neck of the mouse till its eyes popped out of its orbits and straight on bellowed in his marrow freezing roar that if someone had listened, would had gotten a serious case of constipation , "WHEN I AM IN NEED?NEEEED! NOW LISTEN TO ME RAT, THE MORAL SCIENCE YOU STUDIED IN YOUR THIRD GRADE DOESN'T APPLY TO THIS WORLD. THIS WORLD IS ROTTEN. ROTTEN LIKE A DEAD CARCASS LEFT ALONE FOR A FORTNIGHT! NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU. THE MOTTO IS MY WAY OR MY HINEY. YOU DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SURVIVE. U HAVE TO KILL? YOU KILL! YOU HAVE TO LIE TO SOMEONE? YOU BETRAY AND ALSO KILL HIM FOR THE KICKS. THERE IS NOTHING IN BETWEEN!

All those scruples, ethics, good deeds are now things in the past and only look good as mere adornments in books. Its a big bad dark world now, with no escape anywhere.
You see that?"
The lion let his arm move to an angle that mus, barely conscious after all the roaring, felt its soul leaving when it saw what lay in front of them..
The bodies of several men....torn into pieces with bits of organs scattered haphazardly all around!
And that was a massacre done NOT for the demand of the situation but the sheer joy of ripping something apart.
The lion moved the mus to his eyelevel and with malicious intents in his eyes, whispered eerily, " This lot came here to kill me and take my hide for their own greedy purposes. You hear? To take a life so easily just so it can become a fashion statement or a rug in living room. Know what I did? I shouted, 'ROAR, ROAR, MOTHAFUCKAS!!' and tore them to pieces."
The mus gulped and sent a prayer up above that it get sent to heaven as the lion slurped it in his mouth.
Then stretched And went to sleep again.

Modern take of the lion and the mus.Where stories live. Discover now