'I'm sorry' I used to say.
Sorry for the dumb things I said.
Sorry for the dumb things I did.
Sorry for being myself.And then, some people made me realize how dumber it was to say sorry instead of just being the way I am.
Yeah, I have imperfections and, seeing how it doesn't change, I'll never make a lot of friends. But it doesn't matter.
Because why apologize without actually thinking it ?
Why apologize for saying some depressing or kinda stupid things ?
Why apologize for a little goofy attitude ?Why.. why apologize for living ?
Dans les toiles de mon âme
PoetryCeci est un recueil de textes et poèmes qui pourrait potentiellement vous agripper avec toute la délicate force d'une main de velours dans un gant de fer. Il contient de nombreux sujets sensibles qui seront signalés à chaque début de chapitre par u...