Chapter 6 In which Tobita was saved

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AN: Shimura Aiko is the teacher "Shimura-sensei" at YHP and the mother of Shimura Tenko, aka Shigaraki Tomura. Her husband's name is Shimura Tenki, whose name means "weather", which is also his quirk. There is a reason for all that which will be explained in a few chapters.


Mama was crying when she picked him up at YHP. The moment they got off the bus, everyone visibly flinched as a hoarse cry split the air.

"Izuuuuuku!" Mama threw down her bike and stumbled towards him with open arms, enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug. "I was t-told that y-you were attacked! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? How are you feeling!? Do you need to see the doctor?"

"M-mama..." Izuku's heart gave a jolt as he took in mama's face. Her eyes were red from crying, her lips cracked, and snot dripped down her nose and over the curves of her lips. Izuku didn't care how disgusting her face looked when he hugged her back, because his face probably didn't look any better as he wailed and blabbered gibberish.

After what seemed like eternity, they finally broke apart. A quick glance around showed the other students interacting with their family in a distance to give them some space. The teachers then came up and reassured mama that everything was fine and no one was hurt. Shimura and Genji-sensei apologized over and over again for putting them in danger (Eraserhead and Ectoplasm stayed back to talk to the police about the incident). Mama looked like she wanted to yell at them but she held her tongue and instead forgave them and thanked them for protecting him.

Mama didn't let him ride his bike home that day, because she was worried his legs were still jelly after being so scared by the scary man. She asked him many times what exactly happened in his words. No matter how many times Izuku reassured her she was still worried. It was then that Izuku made his decision.

The moment they arrived home, Izuku sat mama down on the couch as he prepared his words.

"Mama, I have to tell you something."

Mama froze up like how she usually did when expecting bad news while on the phone. She grabbed his hands with both hands and cradled them gently. "Tell me, mama's listening."

And so, Izuku told her everything, leaving out his near-death incident and encounter with Gentle since it would destroy her and Izuku didn't want her to live with the knowledge that her son had almost committed suicide while under her watch. She would blame herself forever for failing him and not being there for him.

Mama didn't say a word as she listened. When Izuku finished talking, mama pulled him into a hug. Burying her nose in his fluffy hair, she murmured. "I'm so proud of you, Izuku."

"Why? I didn't do anything." Izuku hugged her briefly. "When he attacked us, I couldn't do anything. My friends could have died if not for Eraserhead-sensei. If only I wasn't so weak..."

"Izuku, look at me." Mama cupped his cheeks tenderly and stared into his eyes. Her gaze was like an arrow on fire that bored into his very soul. In an extremely soft voice, she said, "Listen. You're not weak. In fact, you're strong, stronger than anyone I know and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Despite not having a quirk, you still stood up to protect your friends. What defines as strong is being able to overcome your fears, and you did just that. A physically strong person is useless if he can't be strong in the face of obstacles. Remember, Izuku, no matter how powerful you are, if you can't use that power during the times of challenging, then you're as good as powerless."

"B-but how can I face my fears without power? I need to become stronger! Fast!"

Mama chuckled, leaving Izuku more confused. Did he say something funny?

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