18: Stay

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"I just wanted to say one finally goodbye to our favorite Maknae, Jisung." Mark explains when everyone reaches the fire pit.

A roar of goodbyes flooded as we all got sad at the loss of Jisung.

"Guys..." Jisung starts but he's cut off by two car honks. "That must be my parents..."

"Let's all greet them." Mark sighs.

We stand up and walk toward the camps entrance to see Jisung off.

"Jisungie! Are these your friends?" His mom ask, gesturing all of us. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Park."

"Hello." We all greet her.

"Yep, these are my friends... the ones I'll never see again." Jisung sighs.

Mrs. Park slowly goes by, examining all of our faces.

She stops when her eyes meet mine.

She throws her hand out the window and points directly at me.

"Jisung, who is she to you?" Jisung's mom ask, still looking at me.

"M-mom," He whines as his face glows pink. "What kind of question is that?"

"That's all I need to know." Mrs. Park ends.

Jaemin pushes through the crowd and takes Mrs. Parks hand in his own.

"Mrs. Park, please don't take Jisung from us." Jaemin cries. "If you do-"

"Wipe your snot Jaemin, she's trying to say something." Renjun sasses.

"Jisung, if you really like camp that much- holy heck what happened to your eye!" Mrs. Park yells.

"Mom, it's not what it looks like," He panics. "I just... tripped."

Mrs. Park sighs.

"What do you think we should do?" She ask looking at her husband who was sitting behind the wheel.

"Let the boy stay. He'll just complain when we get home." Mr. Park replies.

"Alright Jisung, you can stay. But if you get hurt one more time-"

"Thanks mom, I love you!" Jisung says quickly, pecking his moms cheek and running away from the car.

Jaemin profusely thanks Jisung's parents while Chenle tells them that him and Jisung are best friends and how he ships Jisung with Y/N.

When they're done, all the boys begin to walk away from the car but I stay. I stood there and thought about how we almost lost Jisung.

"You." Mrs. Park says pointing at me. I break from my trance and look up at her. "What does my Jisung mean to you?" She ask me.

I didn't think before I spoke. Not about the current situation or the fact that I'm literally in front of his parents, I just spoke.

"I like Park Jisung." My confession quickly hits me and I assess the situation. "A- As a friend, yeah. I like him as a friend." I blush.

"Treat him well the rest of the time he's at camp, okay?" Mrs. Park tells and they drive off. When they were gone I kept standing there, shocked at what I had just admitted.

"What did my parents say to you?" Jisung ask, coming up behind me. I jumped when I noticed him and grew really nervous.

"Uh I- um... nothing. Yeah, they didn't say much." I respond.

"Hm, well come on we're celebrating! Haechan bought ice cream!" Jisung exclaims grabbing my hand and dragging me to where everyone else was.

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