Item #: SCP-124
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-124 is to be kept in a 4.2 m x 2.1 m stone pit in its containment cell. The pit is to be 1.5 metres deep. A plastic tarp is to be placed over SCP-124 when not in use. Absolutely no biological matter is allowed within one metre of SCP-124 when not being studied. An armed guard is to be stationed outside SCP-124's cell at all times.
Description: SCP-124 is a plot of soil approximately 9 m2 in area and 14 m3 in size. It was recovered from a Detroit basement when authorities were notified of two teenagers growing large amounts of marijuana.
SCP-124 has the ability to grow any biological organism to its full potential in a relatively short amount of time (the length varies according to the complexity of the organism). Nothing growing in SCP-124 requires external nutrients or other resources (for example, a tomato plant would not require water or light). Pesticides, too, aren't needed, as SCP-124 has a repellent effect on any insect or other invertebrates not growing in it. Any food grown in SCP-124 is reported to be of very high quality, taste, and nutrition, no matter what state the food was in before being planted in SCP-124.
Document 124-1: List of items grown in SCP-124
The following is a selective list of objects grown in SCP-124 during experiments.
Input - Product of SCP-124
Tomato Seed - Fully grown tomato plant. All tomatoes (12 on each plant) were ripe and juicy. Reported to be "very tasty".
Small Watermelon (0.8 kg) - 11.1 kg (24.5 lb) watermelon. Reported to be "very sweet and tasty".
Grass Seed (1) - SCP-124 quickly sprouted into a lush, green lawn within a matter of seconds. Slight dew on the grass.
Small, overgrown hedge - A hedge, trimmed and shaped like a dolphin.
Small, overgrown hedge - A hedge, trimmed and shaped like a skull.
Small Labrador Retriever puppy (sandy brown) - A fully grown, bronze-colored Labrador Retriever in peak condition. Currently living with Dr. Church.
Small Caucasian fetus (male) - [DATA EXPUNGED] After killing 6 personnel, the subject was terminated by SCP Containment Team.
Fly larvae - [DATA EXPUNGED] Level 5 lockdown was initiated.
Scp info
HorrorThis book is for me to remember which scp is which. Also fair warning, some of these will be out of order, lol, so bear with me please.