Chapter 2

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I am dropped onto a beach and the sand falls into my eyes. After cussing like a pirate, got it from my dad, I stand up. I look into the woods in front of me. It was dark so i could only see the tree line. But past those trees were just darkness. The moon was big which gave a glow to the water and the sky. I could only go off of the moon light. I frown before starting to walk into the woods.

I walk for awhile in the darken woods till i get to tired and I just sit down. I rest on a hard stiff log and just wait. I don't know what I'm waiting for but i just do. I hear voices coming closer so i do the first thing i think of. I grab the branch above me and I start to climb. Once I get high enough I look below me. There are around

"Where is she?" Peter yelled.

"I know she is here," Felix says "I can feel it"

"Well then why can't you find her?" Peter yells even louder.

"I can't track her. All we have is the small foot prints we found on the beach. Those were clearly hers so we know she is here." Felix explains.

"Shadow, go find her" Peter yells into the sky.

I step onto a small branch and I hear it crumble. He looks up into the trees and I flinch. I hide behind the tree as the light goes away. I check below me and notice no one is there. They had all left so I slowly came down. I once again start walking, but in the opposite way they left. I wanted to get as far away of them as I can. I start walking towards the sound of water.

I see the water through the trees. But once I reach it I run into a problem. It was a cliff into the ocean. Jumping it would not be wise. I look around for anything and then I see something. A trail. I start to follow it. It soon leads to a cave. It was small and warm. I sneak into it seeing nothing but leaves in it. I curl up into the corner and lay there.

I couldn't sleep, but I could barely close my eyes for that matter. I was so scared. I still am so scared that he will find me. But I try to calm down. I just take deep breaths and try to calm myself down as much as I can. But I can't help it. I just end up crying myself to sleep. I know it was the only way I could.

I dream. I dream of being home again. In my mothers arms, even my brothers. I just wanted to be home again. In my dream I see Henry's face. I reach my hand out and touch his face.

"Henry I miss you" I smile while crying.

"Please come back home Laura. We don't know where you are." He says.

"Henry" i scream as he disappears.

I see every ones faces pass me by. i see every ones face, even Rumpelstiltskin's face flashes by me. I cry out Henry's name and even my fathers. Hoping someone would hear me.

"Run Laura Run" Henry's voice tells me.

I wake up and start trying to run. But I cant. My hands are tied to a tree. I loo around and cry out for help. The few young boys who sit across from me, look at me and smile.

"No" I cry.

"Laura don't you look beautiful"

"Felix please let me go" I cry.

"Honey i can't do that. You see Pan has already claimed you his. Even if i wanted to i wouldn't let such a beautiful face go." He smirks.

"Please" I say as the tears go down my face.

"Since you said please" He smirks.

He cuts my hands lose from the tree and i loo at him. He stands there smiling. I turn around and take off for it. But I get a feet way before he grabs my arm and yanks me backwards. I fall to the ground. He throws me over his shoulder after slipping something over my head and over my mouth. I try to fight for it but his size was no match. My small 5'1 frame was nothing against his tall body.

"Stop" i struggle to say through the cloth in my mouth.

"It will be better for you if you stop struggling." he smirks.

He throws me into a tent and quickly gets ropes. He ties my arms to a metal pole in the back of the tent while also tying my feet together. I squirm through his hands as he ties my feet. He starts to get pissed so he smacks me right across the cheek.

"Felix control yourself"

Pan. Felix moves out of the way and a clench my eyes shut. I feel a hand press to my cheek and I flinch.

'I wont hurt you. Now open your eyes beautiful" He says.

I keep them clenched shut not wanted to look.

"Open your damn eyes" He almost yells.

I slowly open my eyes and raise them to his green eyes. He smirks and looks back at Felix.

"I picked a good one" He smiles.

"What?" i almost whisper.

"You are the lost girl" He smirks turning back to me.

I'm Your Lost Girl- Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now