Part 1 - Something more

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Sometimes I wish I could be something more. Something more than just been a regular human being. I want to be a part of something bigger and meaningful.

My mom always tell me to get my head out of  the story books and start to see the reality. I have seen the reality, that is why I rather dig my head deep down in my books, I told her. It makes me feel something. Something I have never felt.

It sounds ridiculous, but when you are lost everything will sounds like a solution until you find your road. All I want is to feel. Do not take it wrong, I do have feelings, but in some point these feelings gets so unreal.

Sad, happy, mad, all of them goes in a circle. Sometimes one emotions dominate more than the other, but feeling is not all about the emotions. It is more to it.

I will never find out what the missing piece is if  I am stuck in this world.

A life in this world is pathetic. You get born, just to waste half of your life on the school bench. And if you fail school, half of your life have gone to waste. Even when you succeed your life has still been wasted. And for what? So you could get a good job? Ofc, you need a job to live.

But you only waste your life again on your job, because thats the only way you can make it in this world. The society needs your hands. They do not care who you are. All they care about is the money you earn for them. Thats why you need to have a job. Just to get appreciated by them. If you do not have job, they turn theirs back on you, because you will be useless for them.

Basically, people call this a life? What is the point of life, when I do not live?

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