act eighteen { by the the moonlight, the answers you seek are revealed }

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"Can we go back, please? It was so much fun! We have to do it again, right? Right?!"

Mako cringed at his sister's screaming voice. The evening sky he saw out the window of the arcade was now dark. Attached to Mamoru's hand, he listened to her ramble on the games she watched he and Chibiusa play, the smoothies and cakes she devoured, and the boy she thinks had a crush on her. One part of Mako wanted to clobber her face into the ground for some peace and quiet, but the other liked the smile on her face. Even if she annoyed him at times, Mako couldn't deny his affection for Miyako. 

"--and then, there was this big explosion and boom! Chibiusa won, again!" Miya skipped in her crystal shoes as she raised her gaze to Mamoru. The boy gave her a warm smile before moving his own gaze to Chibiusa. 

"How about you, Chibiusa. Did you enjoy the arcade?" Curious herself, Chibiusa jutted out her ear to hear.  

"I enjoyed breaking Usagi's records." The blonde grew stone-faced, to the girl's glee. "But I met a new friend at school. Her name is Momoko Momohara. She's really nice and played with us a lot."

At the claim, Mako nodded. The girl with purple hair was surely obsessed with them at school.  Back to herself, Usagi shook her face before bending back to crack any tension from her body. Just walking with Mamoru, even with three distractions in between them, still made her feel...something strong to him. Even if she repeated their breakup agreement in her mind, he was still next to her, walking with a happy smile, like yesterday never happened. The way he looked at Miya jumping played with Usagi's heart, but she forced it to move on.

"Careful, or else you'll fall flat on your face." Skipping on one foot at a time, Miya lifted by the hand before she could crash face-first.   

After their session at headquarters, the Sailor Guardians and Mamoru cooled off by playing arcade games. Calls for dinner and a need to rest forced Minako and Makoto home, but that didn't stop the kids fun. When they moved outside, they, including Usagi, forced Mamoru to spoil them with snacks before a rest in the park. Whatever the trio did on those swing and jungle sets tired them out until the setting sun passed them. 

"I didn't realize how late it was until the moon came out."

Compelled to stare into the sky, Usagi let out a smooth breath when she saw the shining moon peek out from the the clouds.  

"Or maybe the moon's coming out earlier since it's getting close to summer." Usagi didn't look away at Mamoru's comment, but nodded at his words. It was peaceful, the look they shared. It was like the moon knew her every thought was revealed itself to reassure her--to tell her everything will be okay.

"Maybe..." Usagi relaxed her shoulder. "But isn't nice? Feeling the moonlight shine on your face? Maybe it's just me, but it's one of the best feelings in the world. Something about it feels different today, inviting even. I don't know why." 

Mamoru watched serene calm flood Usagi's face. It was the first time she looked...well, looked different. Almost like a grown woman, no, like her mom? Mamoru couldn't pin it down, but he knew something in that moment made Usagi look changed. 

"It's probably because you're from the Moon that it feels so relaxing. I wouldn't blame you, because I find myself just staring up at it sometimes."

A sense of peace warmed Usagi when she looked to her former home. My past life must be looking down and wondering...she couldn't finish the thought and instead focused on her real home. It was just a minute away and her stomach grumbled for food. Focused back on the path before them, Usagi's brows came together when she noticed a lone figure standing ahead of them. 

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