In heat

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It was a new day, the day after their lustful encounter in fact.

Something had been triggered that morning. What you ask? Well you're about to find out.

An aggressively written sign which read "DO NOT COME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please <3)" was hanging on Kawaii~Chan's door. Zane tilted his head in confusion as he looked at the piece of paper. The words were written in a pink gel pen with really nice handwriting.

Aphmau came up next to Zane. "Oh.. No.." She stated worriedly. She sighed, "Wow Zane look what you've caused." She shook her head and laughed quietly.

"Wh-WHAT? Me?!" He shouted.

"Shhhh!! Quiet!" She whisper-shouted, dragging Zane into the kitchen. "That!-" she pointed towards KC's room. "Is a mei'fwa in heat. Because of you."

"In heat..-?" His eyes widened. "You're joking.." he exhaled.

Heat. In the instance of a lustful encounter, a female mei'fwa will be classified as 'in heat'. She will cling to the one she's attracted to and basically try to pleasure herself from them.

"Kawaii~Chan locked herself away for your safety. So if I were you, i'd steer clear of her. I mean, unless you want to have her all over you." Aphmau smirked.

"Honestly I wouldn't mind it y-.." He froze, realising what was coming out of his mouth. "I-I mean.. Yeah, illll.. watch tv for today.." He quickly stumbled away from Aphmau, flustered.

"Also, Zane? Me and Garroth are going out for a bit." She snickered.

Zane sighed worriedly. He secretly wanted to be with Kawaii~Chan. He was intrigued. He was never close enough to a mei'fwa to see what heat was like, what it did to them. But now he has a chance. He was unsure of wether he would take that chance. It all depends on how things go throughout the day.

He sat down on the couch in his living room and pulled out his phone.

ZR🖤: You okay?

KC🎀: I'm guessing Aphmau told you, huh? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

ZR🖤: Yeahhhhh-

KC🎀: Kyahhhh- So embarrassing.. I'm sorry..

ZR🖤: What? No! It's fine, it isn't exactly your fault. It's mine more than yours. So to make up for it, i'm putting MLH on the tv in the living room.

KC🎀: But Zane! I don't want to impulsively do anything which will make you uncomfortable..

KC🎀: You know how it is, I cant exactly help it.

ZR🖤: I know. I've prepared myself for anything of the sort. The episode is starting, cmon Kitty.

The already existing butterflies in her stomach had grown to a higher level, the nickname 'kitty' was something she had never had before. She liked it.

Kawaii~Chan lifted herself out of her bed. She was still in her PJ's and didn't care enough to get dressed. She was wearing linen checked shorts with an also linen cropped vest. Her hair was down in loose, messy curls with her regular pink ribbon tied in a bow at the back of her head.

She quietly tip toed to her door and opened it slightly. Peeping through the small gap between her room and the outside world.

Zane was looking back at her, her embarrassed expression which permanently stained on her face seemed to radiate a feeling which caused them both to heat up.

She quickly slid through the gap and closed the door behind her. Zane chuckled at her silly movements, watching intensely as she scurried to the couch, sitting herself down dangerously close to Zane. Intertwining her arm around his.

She kept her eyes on the television, not noticing the red glow which could barely be seen on Zane's face as he looked down at her, thankfully for his mask, his pure embarrassment would not be noticed.

Throughout the countless episodes that they watched the two laughed and bonded over the childish cartoon.

An interval between episodes begun so Zane decided to rest his eyes for a few seconds. "Okay i'm going to go and get us something to ea-.." Before he could finish his sentence he felt two hands grasp his upper arms, and a new weight added to his lap. He opened his eyes and found Kawaii~Chan, Inches away from him.

"No.. Don't go.." She spoke gently, her grip tightening. She looked so vulnerable, so timid. Even though she was on top of him. It was clear that she had no dominance in this situation, shown by the trembling of her arms and weakening of her knees.

The already heavy air grew even heavier, the room became hot. The fragile girl moved her hands from his arms to his fluffy black hair. Neither of them spoke, all that could be heard was the desperate heavy breathing of the two.

The girl's gentle fingertips made their way to the edge of Zane's mask, tugging at the material, bringing it away from his face. She discarded it by placing it down on the seat next to them.

She stared intently at his face, rarely seeing the many freckles upon his cheeks. She never imagined that someone like him would blush as much as he does. His face was beaming red, eyes partially open. That feeling of lust had returned, as their faces grew closer...

In Aphmau's room.

Aphmau had told Zane that her and Garroth would be going out. She noticed that Zane had completely forgotten that they were still here. (obviously the going out bit was a lie.) So her and Garroth decided to do what they do best.


They both hung their heads around the door to watch the scene play out in front of them.

Their lips locked. It started slow, but progressively became more intense and passionate, they snickered and giggled, snapping photos with their phones. But considering the state of play, Zane got a bit handsy, and started touching unspeakable areas on Kawaii~Chan's body.

The sound of her soft moans was enough for the two to shut the door and lock themselves inside. They didn't predict that they'd do anything more than kiss.

"Did we go a bit far?" Garroth whispered. They both looked at each other and smirked.

"Naaaah!" They said in unison.

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