Old friend

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        "Forgive me for interrupting your mid-conversation,"said the owner of the scythe.

        "I am one of the reaper dispatch organization's supervisors, William t. Spears, and I have come to collect that shinigami."

     "Will William,"yelled Greil as he saw a glimmer of hope that he would live. He jumped down,

     "you came to save me-"he paused as he landed on Greil's face, "ouch,"lalia exclaimed.

     He took the initiative. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by this, here is my business card, he tossed it at Sebastian

   "honestly having my head bowed to a vermin like you really does damage the name reaper,'"lalia said.

   "honestly having my head bowed to a vermin like you really does damage the name reaper,'"lalia said

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        " Keep a close eye on them if you don't want to bow to vermin like us again."

     "Humans are vulnerable to temptation, when they are forced to stand in a hellish participation," said lalia,

     "they will do it without any failure no matter the cost, no matter what kind of person they are," added lalia.

    "You demons take advantage of that and taunt humans, don't you?"

      She smiled as she closed her eyes.
"I'm not denying it,"said Lalia.

    "Well then, we're leaving Greil Sutcliffe," he said as he dragged Greil along with him, blabbering about how he'll handle this situation.

      Lalia looked at Sebastian, who smirked and threw Greil's death scythe at Williams' face, which he stopped with his two fingers.

     "You forgot that," Sebastian said while smiling, 'Thank you,' as he dropped it on Greil. "Well, excuse us," he said as he walked away.

      "Not bad for a demon butler,"Lalia said. "Not so bad yourself," Sebastian replied.

They turned to face their masters as they walked towards them, and Lalia's appearance returned to normal.

       Everyone went to Madam Red's funeral the next day, but Ceil's entry was quite different because he brought her a red dress and a bunch of red rose petals because he knew it suited her, and Elizabeth saw all of that because she was present.

       When they got home, Elizabeth was still down thinking about Ceil when it was time for tea, which Lalia served to her. She was drinking when she abruptly stood up and banged her hands on the table.

     "THATS IT," Lizzy exclaimed. 'What's it? "How are you, my lady?"

     "Pack your bags, lalia, we're leaving," Elizabeth said.

The next day ( sebastian's POV)

     I still hadn't prepared dinner when I heard a loud explosion and went into the kitchen.

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