Chapter Eight- Our Mother

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There was nothing but silence in the small wodden room, as Chloe and I digested what the general just said. After a few moments, I shot straight up, knocking my chair over.
"W-What did you just say?!?" I yelled. Najenda sighed, seeming like she knew I was going to react this way.
"Exactly what you heard. Your mother isn't dead, she's here. With us. It hit me yesterday when I met you, but I wanted to wait until today to make sure. I also asked your mother if she wanted me to tell you, and she denied. I made the decisione myself, although she probably won't be happy." She responded. My mouth was still hanging open, and I looked over at Chloe. She looked just as surprised as I did, and tears were starting to well up in her eyes. I clenched my fists.
"Take us to her." I said slowly.
"I really don't think that's a good idea, she's going to be mad when she figures out I told her-"
"I don't care. We have a right to see her don't we?" I shouted, cutting her off. After a moment of silence, she nodded her head.
"Alright, fine. But don't blame me for anything that happens. She's not the person you think she is." Najenda said simply, before smashing her cigarrette into an ashtray and standing up. "Come on, I'll show you the way."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Najenda led us across the valley, taking us up a set of rickety wooden stairs that stopped halfway up the sheer cliff face. By the time we got their, I was nearly fuming, despite how happy I should have been. I always remembered my mother as so caring, so why didn't she come back to us? Why didn't she take us with her here? Did she not think we could take it? All of these questions swirled through my head as I clenched my fists. How dare she? Chloe could have gotten killed by now!
As the tunnel got wider, it ended at a metal door set deep into the rock.
"We use this room to discuss our strategy against the army. She spends most of her time here. I'm warning you, don't do anything stupid." Najenda said, reaching for the door. I glanced down at Chloe by my side, and she her eyes were wide with anticipation and even fear. Now I'll finally get some answers.
The general threw open the door, and for a moment I was blinded by the stark light. One my eyes adjusted, I saw her.
Sillouheted by a small lamp, she was sitting down at a large table covered with maps. Her dark brown hair, the same shade as mine, hung past her shoulders and down her back freely. She turned to look at us when the door opened, revealing bright green eyes. Just like Chloe's. They widened when she saw us, and she immediately snapped to Najenda.
"I told you not to tell them. It'll only cause trouble." She said suddenly, surprising me. Her voice brought up memories of my past, but there was something wrong about the way she talked. Something.... different. Chloe and I were shocked, standing as still as statues as our mother approached us. I held my breath, but she walked right past us, not even glancing back.
"I made the choice to tell them myself. They deserve to know." Najenda said as our mother stopped in front of her.
"Well, I guess what's done is done, but don't make such a reckless decision again." She said. I snapped out of immobility, turning to look at her.
"You're.. you're my mother?" I stuttered, barely managing to get out the words. She barley glanced back at me.
"Yea, I am. Hold on, the grown ups are talking." She said, no emotion in her voice and a cruel glint in her eyes. "I'll probably need to delay the next mission at this rate. Tell the others I think we could be ambushed, I found a bad spot along the way." She said, relaying information as if nothing was happening. My rage started to boil
The grownups are talking? The grown ups are talking?!? Hell if I care!! Where has she been?? She  deserted us! What the hell is wrong with you?!?! I thought as my anger became explosive. I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Blake....! Blake, stop!" Chloe yelled as she saw me bring back my fist.
"What right do you have to ignore us, YOU BITCH?!?" I yelled as I ran towards her, bringing my fist forward.
It happened faster than I could even see. She took a step back into me, throwing an elbow into my stomach. I gasped, and she grabbed my by my collar and threw me over her back, slamming me hard into the concrete floor. My vision blurred, but I saw her lean down over me.
"Hm. I guess Najenda was right, you guys did need to meet me. You need to learn some respect." And with that, she walked out of the room.

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