I Need Her!

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After few day, TDS staff busy answer phone call because of news come at online portal. President Kay suddenly fly back from Thailand after know about this.. This is not big issue but as President, she need to know what happen in his office. Mino and Ceo Joong already arrived at office. Mino decide to make his sister stay at home and let's he settle it.

"What happen? Why suddenly this news pop out like that.." ask President Kay in second she arrive.

"Jennie and Hanbin meet privately in middle of party last time. Reporter get from that.." say Ceo Joong

"Where is Hanbin.. He need to explain this to me.." say President Kay

"Hanbin now at Jeju with Dreamer.. They have fan meeting until tomorrow.." say Ceo Joong

"Send Hanbin back now.. I need settle this as soon as possible.." say President Kay

"Okey.." say Ceo Joong and move to leave. Mino see what happen and he want to go follow Ceo Joong but President Kay stop him..

"We need to talk.." say President Kay.

"Hanbin will tell you.." say Mino.

"They in relationship?" ask President Kay. She look surprise.

"Unnie.." say Mino

"I'm okay if Hanbin have relationship with Jennie.. I don't have any issue with that.. Plus I don't think they just know each other now.." say President Kay.

"Okay.. What unnie want know?" ask Mino. He know he can't lies to President Kay.

"Everything.." say President Kay. Mino start tell President Kay from beginning.. A - Z..

"That it.. no more.." say Mino. President Kay just sigh.. Her mind thinking what should she do..

"Why you keep this from me?" ask President Kay

"This is not my decision.. They decide to do like that.." say Mino.. Silent in President Room.. They think what will happen next.

That night,

Hanbin just arrive from Jeju Island. After fanmeeting, Dreamer manager bring Hanbin back to Seoul. President Kay and Mino still at office. CEO Joong also arrive few second after that.

"Hanbin, What happen now?" ask President Kay

"I'm sorry, President Kay.. I'm really don't know.. Manager Shin tell me about this after fan meeting.." say Hanbin

"If I ask you.. That news.. It's real? Both are you in relationship?" ask President Kay. Hanbin look at Mino..

"Don't look at Mino.. Just answer it.." say CEO Joong

"We're before.. But we not contact each other since I'm debut.." say Hanbin

"So, why you meet her that night?" ask Mino

"I'm not.. She come meet me at outside while I'm taking fresh air.." say Hanbin

"So you want say, Jenny want you back?" ask CEO Joong

"No.. She just ask about me and Dreamer.. That all.." say Hanbin

"So both are you not getting back?" ask President Kay

"No..." say Hanbin.. His face look confuse.

"You get back or not?" ask CEO Joong. He face look so mad.

"We not but I still love her.." say Hanbin. Ceo Joong look disappointed.. President Kay also look disappointed, But Mino look happy and he laughing so hard..

"Why you laughing, Hyung?" ask Hanbin.

"We make guest from news.. It's between you get back with my sister or you not.. but I'm choose you not but you want get back.." say Mino

"Not mad with that news?" ask Hanbin

"Hanbin.. you are human being.. falling in love and break from love is part of life.. You learn from it.. But as you work under me on my company, of cause.. I mad but after listen to Mino.. I think nothing to worried about." say President Kay

"Why? Dreamer just debut.. not will be issue with fan and media?" ask Hanbin

"If you think that way... why you want get back for first place?" ask Ceo Joong

"I'm sorry.." say Hanbin

"Dreamer is important.. Fan is important.. Media is important.. but what you feel is important too.. I don't want what happen to Mino, happen to you.. It's not easy right? Smile a front camera but heart is empty.. Smile but behind that? Crying.. Late at night.. can't sleep because you miss her but the only thing you can do is produce song.. Why? Because with lyric, you tell everyone your feeling.. Try to say you are strong but actually you are not.." say President Kay

"Love need effort.. If not you will lost it.. Trust me.. not easy to find someone really understand us.." say CEO Joong

"Company okay if I'm get back with Jennie?" ask Hanbin

"We okay.. nothing to worried about.. About reporter and media.. We will make official statement.." say CEO Joong

"Company okay but not us.. You have to face my parent first.. Ask permission to be with they daugther.. and you need to meet her brother.. ask permission before you go ask Jennie.." say Mino. Hanbin look at Mino.

"That is your problem.. You need to face all that stage.. before you can get Jennie.." say CEO Joong

"But Hanbin... you need to be honest with your teammate.. They need to what what will happen next.. like you say, you just 5 years debut.. still newbie.. and as leader.. you need tell them.." Say President Kay

"Yes ma'am.." say Hanbin. Hanbin hug President Kay. He really thankful for understanding from his company.

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