Chapter 5~moving, again.

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Authors note-hey!!!!im back sorry it's been awhile I've been really busy but here's a new chapter!!enojoy!!

Ugh, I had to get up super early today bc I had to pack for U.A. Since I would be living there now, so I had 2 suitcases full of clothes that I had to take to me with school today...I hear my phone ring and I pick it up to see who it is, it's Denki..



Me-hey Denki lol

I gotta tell you something!!!

Me-okay lol what is it??

Denki-sooo ya know how your moving into a dorm now??

Me-yea what ab it lol?

Denki-soooo I talked to mr.aizawa about it and long story short, I'm gonna help you move into your dorm first thing this morning!....I hope your okay with it..

Me-yea sure that's cool I don't mind, what time tho?

Denki- first once we get there...I also kinda talked mr.aizawa into letting us have 1rst period off so I could help u move in!"

Me-oh okay sound good!!

Denki-great!!!see ya there✌️✌️

Me-see ya Denki lol✌️

(Okay back to real life now lol)

I stumble down my steps with my suitcases
My mom grabs my hand before I walk out the door and says "bye sweetheart I'm gonna miss u!!i love you"
"Bye mom...I'll miss you to. I love you" I say as I hug her and walk out

*time passes while your in the car btw*

Once I get there I see Denki standing there waving at me, "love you dad!" I say while getting out of the car "love you to y/n!" He yells out the window at me and drives away
"Sooo lets get going!!" Denki says excitedly as he grabs my hand pulling me with him
"Okay haha" I say
Once we get inside we go to an elevator and go to the floor that the dorms are on
"Okay soo I'm pretty sure my room is number 563!"
I say pointing to my dorm
"Really my dorm is across the hall!?" Denki tells me and shows me his dorm
"Cool!we are pretty close then!" I say
"Yea!" He says as I unlock my dorm
We walk in and I immediately start unpacking my bed stuff

*time skip to abt 15 mins ahead*

I have hung up my walk things and start to hang up my shirts in my closet as Denki helps and dose the same
I go to grab a hanger when I feel someone touch me, I look up and notice that me and Denki both went for the same hanger
We are basically holding hands...both of our hands have fallen off the hanger and we are sitting there just admiring each other....
I think a minute passed by and I notice the bolts that start shooting from Denki, I let go so he doesn't accidentally shock me and I see his nose starts bleeding...."crap!" I say out load
The first people I think to text are kirishima and bakugo..
I grab Denkis phone from the floor and I go through his contacts to find kirishima and bakugo
While I was looking I noticed that Denki had my name in his phone as "y/n🥺💕" it made me blush a little but I didn't have time to focus on that I had to call kirishima and bakugo
I called them both and I stood out in the hallway until I saw them
Once they got there they both looked at me, then looked at Denki
I explain to them what happened and they are both sitting there laughing their butts off
"Well uhh....he will be fine and we will get him to his room to lie down but we need to tell you something haha!"
They both carry Denki to his room and get him laying down and then they come back to my dorm and bakugo says "hey didn't u say something about dunceface having your name as some cutesy sh!t in his phone?"
"Yea but I didn't have to much time to worry about it bc I had to call guys but what about it?" I ask
"Haha dunceface has a crush!!" Bakugo yells
"W-what..." I say very flustered
"Well kaminari told us to keep it a secret but...he likes you..and that's probably why he completely shut down on your floor earlier and he's not used to physical contact...he couldn't control his quirk as a kid so he couldn't ever touch anything or anyone but now that he can..he definitely takes advantage of it" kirishima explains to me as I sit there looking dumb
"Why didn't he tell me...I would've understood?its not like I'm gonna judge him about it?" I ask
"Well he has a h€ll of a hard time with girls bc of him and his quirk so that's probably why he didn't tell you" bakugo says
"Maybe you should ask about it...and show him that u care and that your here for him!" Kirishima says
"Yeah I think I'm going to" I tell them
"Also I'm gonna skip today I don't feel like going so I'm gonna sleep and relax all day once I get my dorm done and I'll set an alarm for when school is over so I can invite Denki over" I tell them
"Okay it's up to u!" Kirishima says and gets up
"Later dumba••!" Bakugo says
"Hey don't test your luck I won't miss this time!" I yell while laughing
Him and kirishima walk down the hallway laughing
Welp I gotta finish my dorm and I'm going back to sleep...this morning has already been to much *yawns*

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