1 - The Wedding Day

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"Wow Mil, you look gorgeous," one of my bridesmaids Violet commented, watching me with the mirror. I looked in the mirror myself as my mom finished buttoning the back of my dress and smiled.

"Thank you," I answered, tears coming to my eyes as I thought about how long I had waited for this day.

Years and years of hating myself, and now here I was getting married to the man of my dreams. I couldn't wait to start the next chapter of life with Parker by my side.

"Ahh! No tears on your wedding day!" Lucy, another of my four bridesmaids scolded, grabbing a tissue from the box we had bought. We had intended for my mom to use it, but so far she had stayed cool and collected. Lucy carefully dabbed at the corners of my eyes as I stood still, impatiently waiting for my dress to be completely buttoned.

"All done honey," mom said, giving me a quick side hug as she looked into the mirror with me. Her eyes glanced over my full appearance, "You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." I blushed and smiled.

"Thank you for everything momma. I couldn't have done this without you."

"Oh, pssh, you're a brilliant girl. You could have planned a wedding single-handed in less than a week." I snorted, there was no way. I had been stressed out enough for the past six months even with help.

"Whatever you say, mom," I answered, wrapping my arms around her comfortable frame. A knock came at the door. "Come on in!" I called to the intruder.

"Hey sweetheart, it's just Dad letting you know you have ten minutes to show time," my dad called through the door. Nervous butterflies flew around my stomach. I loved Parker, I really did, but was I ready? We were young, I was 18 and Park was 20 but did age matter if you are absolutely in love with someone? I was sure all people are just a bit afraid on their wedding day, but I sure hoped Parker was feeling a bit more confident.

I released my mom and turned to my bridesmaids: Violet, Lucy, Jo... and where had Vera gone?

"Does anyone know where Vera went?" I asked. I wasn't worried, I was more curious than anything. There was no telling where she was in this giant house. I had been best friends with Vera since the second grade, and her family had been kind enough to allow me to have my wedding in their summer estate. I had visited here a couple of times as a child and had fallen in love.

"I think she went to greet a family member," Jo answered, crinkling her brow in a very Jo like fashion. The four of us had all met in middle school, and our friendship had survived for over five years.

"Ok. When did she leave?" I asked, time was begging to run out and Vera was a talker.

"About twenty minutes ago, she was dressed a little early and she got a text from someone and left," Jo once again answered. I nodded. A couple of minutes passed as we waited before a knock came at the door.

"Sweetie, its just Dad again. Five minutes to start point, time to start heading to the doors. Has anyone seen Parker?" My dad asked, opening the door a sliver and poking his head in. Confused, I turned to him.

"No, why?" I asked. Oh no, was he getting worried too?

"He went MIA about ten minutes ago," Dad answered, "we figured he came down here to snoop on you all." I shook my head.

"I haven't seen him, have you seen Vera?" I asked. Dad shook his head no.

"Ugh. Are all the guests seated?" I asked.

"Yes, everyone was taken outside and is waiting patiently," he opened the door a bit wider as I walked closer.

"Ok, I'll go look for Vera, you go look for Parker. Everyone else heads to the doors, we'll be there soon." Everyone nodded. Violet, Lucy, and Jo grabbed their bouquets and Jo grabbed Vera's. My mother grabbed my own. We headed out the door. As they took a right to go down the stairs, I took a left, attempting to remember the rooms from my childhood.

After reaching the end of two hallways, I contemplated going to the doors and waiting for Dad to find my missing bridesmaid, but I heard a faint voice from up the stairs. Slowly, I crept toward the bottom of the staircase. The voice became a hint louder. I took that as my cue to continue. About halfway up the stairs, the voice became clear and I stopped in my tracks.

"I can't Parker, I can't let you marry her. I know you don't understand what's going on, but kiss me again and tell me that she makes you feel that."

I really, really hoped I heard that wrong, and I really, really hope it was not who I thought it was speaking.

"Vera, we can not do this. I am promised to another woman! I love Millicent, and I don't understand why you're so against this marriage!"

It was definitely who I thought it was.

"Then kiss me Parker, one kiss and if you don't feel anything, I'll leave and never look back."

It went silent, I knew Parker well enough to know that he was thinking things over before making any rash decisions. No other sound came after, and I knew he had made the right choice.

I ascended the remainder of the staircase, only to be stopped in my tracks once more.

There, with my best friend in his arms and his lips on hers, was my fiance.

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