Chapter 10He's finally gone.

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Marionettes POV
"Hey a nice toy and give me My girl back.~"
My eyes shot open when I heard him speak that sentence and call me a toy. I felt rage splinter through me. How dare he even call me that. "You have made a fatal mistake Vincent..." Myvoiced changed to a deep and glitchy robotic voice as my white pinprick pupils appeared in my eyes. Then I saw something that pained me the fear in (Y/N)'s eyes. The fear was from...i found out when I felt something tackle me to the floor. Vincent held me by the throat and took out his knife. "Now...what do I want to cut about...your head..." He purred. I started to panic when it thought. He wasn't restrianing my legs. I lifted my left legs and kicked him as hard as I could in his...uh you know..-.-'. I rolled out from under him as he toppled over grasping his 'area' in agony. I picked up (y/n) who was giggling at what I did while running to the show room. I ran into the room as I set her on the stage in front of Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy. "Watch her I don't want her to see this." I glumly said. They both shot me a look of concern and nodded. I walked back out of the curtains and sure enough he was waiting for me out there. "Now to do what I have should have done loooong ago." I said my voice changed again and my pupils reappeared. I had my strings come out my back with a scraping sound and wrap around his limbs, restraining him. I had two more strings wrap around his torso and legs. They pulled, harder and harder. Vincent's screams were becoming more agonizing the harder they pulled. I smiled manically as I heard the popping of bone and tearing of flesh. His screams become nothing but gargles from the blood and saliva he was choking on. His torso and lower half finally sepertated with a loud *CRUUNCH!* I dropped him on the floor as both parts landed with a splat. I saw the purple coloring in him fade and turn into a light gray. He was gone. I stared down at his carcass and sighed a long exhausting sigh. Before I went back to (Y/N) I cleaned his body of the floor. I didn't want her to see what I was capable of...once I got his sickening blood of me I went back to her. I sat by her side and rested my head in her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my and kissed my forehead. I felt tears running down my face...why am I crying? I got rid of the one I loathed for so long...have I changed...I felt guilt, sorrow, grief any word that could describe sadness and regret would fit. I didn't enjoy murder anymore. And it was because of her...the only one I truly loved...
(Y/n) (l/n)
Oh her name it was the most beautiful name to fix itself in my memory. I must thank her for how she has changed me...
Tonight I shall make her mine....
(A/N) AHH CHAPTER 10 THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!! But anyway thx you guys so much for reading this I truly appreciate it and guess what....
For those of you whoe didn't want lemon I will make a special ending that way you don't have to read it Kay?
Also I have decided I WILL make a sequel to dis book since soooo many people lived it :) so I will see you guy in the lemon and bring a box of tissues with ya! ;) (Nosebleeds XD)
Farewell my lovelies ^.^

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