i have sum to say

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hey guys i recently noticed that mattia got canceled for some things in these past days i did not know until i looked at tea videos, i looked more and more into it to see what i should say. but i am black and i have chinese in me i'm also guyanese so i'm mixed with a lot but this doesn't sit right with me. instead of saying "arrest george floyd" he should have not said that and just whent off on the person.
i don't want to seem like a snow flake at all but when alejandro and mattia was "trying or imitating" what the girl said they didn't have to do it like that i'm not happy with this but also does not mean i hate him or alejandro i never hate anyone, but that does not mean i am not happy with this, racism still happens to this day, i've been called a nigga (yes i am black i can say it i will even show proof) by someone that is white MILLIONS OF TIMES, said i was ugly because of my skin, said i was pretty for a black girl, said to burn alive, and many more. at a young age i had to be taught to what to do when a police pulls me over, i lost friends due to my skin. Black lives matter is not a trend it's a movement to show that we are still here, not to go against each other not to show black people are better, no we are all equal and we all need to come together and i don't like how these influencers are getting cancelled then to back them up they bring breonna taylor and many more into this but then don't care or show any things to help the movement YEA IM TALKING ABOUT YOU JEFFREE STAR, TONY LOPEZ MANY MORE I CANT EVEN COUNT yall bitches need to talk responsibility of your actions and not use serious stuff to back y'all up. ive cried my whole life thinking that i can't be who i want to be due to my skin. If your not black don't say the n word PLS PLS PLS idc if your Mexican, Puerto Rican, White with 2% of black in you. don't say it i'm sick and tired of people letting people pass saying the n word. here is the history of you don't get it watch the video above. but i tried giving mattia a second chance but idk what to believe at this point so if you want me continue this story comment but if you don't ig i'll start a new story.. should i make this next chapter about me?? and to make things clear IM PROUD TO BE BLACK IM SO SO SO PROUD NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. ✊🏾


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