3. Meng Po Soup

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"Eh? Even in this time, I'm still good at everything. Ahh! What a shame! They can't catch me even if they wanted to." Li Jie praised himself inwardly. He is still being chased by the guards but due to his blindsiding strength and speed, the guards were no match for him. Like a grazing lion and a running cheetah, whoever catches up with him ended up being blown away. Being the merciless killer as what they've said, his agility in combat was as smooth as a jade. In the end, the shadow guards surrendered and went back instead.

"Hah! What a pity!" Li Jie can't stop praising himself but at the same time, he pitied the original owner of this body. The original owner was weak to the point that he only died by drinking a drug. In his past life, he drank or injected too many drugs from the people who wanted him down. Oh well, he can't blame it. This original owner is too weak and spoiled by his brothers too much. He can't even protect himself from those bandits.

Li Jie stopped running and sat on the rough ground for bit. So much happened this night. From a runaway bride to a crazy getaway. Even the guards got shivers from his laugh! A psychopath!

"Where would i sleep now? Should i go to the..." he stopped thinking when he realized where he was. He remembered, he was not in his world anymore. The cell which he slept for seventeen years with his fathers making fun of him now exists only in his memories. Somehow, he felt a bit sad.

"I wonder what they are doing now." Li Jie can't help but to be worried. That place was his home. Maybe, he hurt his fathers right now because of his sudden leave. He can't blame the hydrogen peroxide, he was the one who accidentally put there in the first place. If only I didn't make that mistake, my fathers wouldn't have be sad because of him, he thought.

Li Jie shook his head, accepting the fact that he transmigrated into this world. As far from his knowledge, this era is the Qin era. Knowing that he transmigrated in the ancient time, he cried with blood as he missed the world full of technology. He missed his favorite laptop, his machine gun, his weapons, his phone, and also,

His WIFI connection.

He immediately went on his feet and patted his butt, removing the dirt from his ripped hanfu and underpants which have been laying on the ground not too long. He then started roaming around finding a perfect spot for him to stay for the night.

"A cave must be nice. Since I have no money left, I'm worse than a servant. *sighs*" he exclaimed in disbelief as he roamed around the area. He ran away from that General's mansion but he can tell that he was not far from that place. Li Jie's brain delayed its process right now. He was thinking on how will he survive in this world, but it's best if he will find shelter first. He walked around the area with no torch. Thanks to to the big full moon that he can still see clearly.

Li Jie halted when he spotted a cave not too far from where he was standing. His heart leaped for joy thinking that he was going for a rest. He still wished that this was just a dream but Lie Jie was not dumb to think about that.

He walked until he reached the cave. There were dried branches and dead leaves scattered outside the cave so he gathered lots of it to build a fire. He then entered inside with no hesitation. He didn't bother if there were snakes or wild animals inside, if he wished there was. Though, in Li Jie, he was blessed if he encountered wild animals inside, thinking how juicy and tender the meat is, he also wished that there were lots inside, if possible.

But there were none so he was disappointed.

"At least I ate that bun in the table! I should have brought it with me so i could even nibble a little nutrient! Ahh! Why is this body so feminine?!" He blurted out as he kept cursing at his current physique. He was thankful that his talents and strength remained the same, or else he would die from escaping, or his ass got penetrated. Thinking that made Li Jie's hair stood up. The horror in his face shown despicable.

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