Chapter 13

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He was running to school again and stopped when he saw Tsukishima at their meet up spot. It was surprising but he walked over there nonetheless. His headphones were on. Yamaguchi recalled what Aria said.

"Tsukki!" He said without touching him. The blonde looked at him.

'Wait he can actually hear me-'

"Ah- H-hi..." He smiled awkwardly. The taller just stared at him and started walking. He swears he could sense that Tsukishima was uncomfortable but he ignored it and followed him. Should he say what Aria said or leave her out?

"T-Tsukki." No reaction.
"I know you can hear me." The other stopped and looked at him. An eyebrow raised.

"U-uh.." He didn't really think that through did he? Now what?
"Haha... Y-yeah let's go." He walked past and Tsukishima followed him but took his headphones off.

"How'd you know that?" Tsukishima asked him.

"U-uh I didn't... I-I was just.. T-testing.." Yeah right. Real smooth. That's not believable at all.

"Aria?" Yamaguchi yelped, which seemed like answer enough. He didn't comment on it any further. Not even a hum of acknowledgment. The tension in the air was... Heavy. He didn't like it. If Aria hadn't told him Tsukishima could hear when his headphones were on, he'd probably have ranted on. It was a little more complicated now. Everything was complicated.

He contemplated telling Tsukishima he had a stalker but he didn't. Why would he care? He wouldn't. It's safe to say that atleast. Then again Tsukishima had done and said alot of shit because Aria insulted him and not Tsukishima. That was a whole new side of the blonde. A protective side he was unaware of.

'Until recently....'

He recalled that kiss on the forehead and turned bright red. Yamaguchi looked to the side so Tsukishima wouldn't see his face. It was weird to think about that of all things.

They walked into the changing room and changed into their practice clothes before getting into the gym. The atmosphere was weird. Tsukishima seemed not to notice, that or he didn't give a shit. He probably didn't care. That was usually how it was with him. So why did it make Yamaguchi so mad? It made no sense to be angry right now. He didn't want anyone to talk to him because he didn't want to take it out on them.

"Saltyshima! Aria was spreading rumors!" Hinata bounded over and stood in front of the blonde. A few cogs appeared to be turning in his head before he responded.

"Well then tell her I owe her one of these." He flipped Hinata off and walked past him. The ginger squinted in confusion for a second but shrugged it off and went to practice.

Nobody else made a big deal out of it. It was clear enough Tsukishima didn't care. Maybe he was expecting this. Then some other girl came into the gym. She stared at Yamaguchi.

Only him.

He tried to ignore her like everyone else did. She had the uniform on so she was at Karasuno. Probably just a fan of the team that wanted to check it out. But something was off. She watched him so intently. She giggled when he scored a point. She got happy when he was up to serve. It was so creepy. He was really uncomfortable.

So much so that he hid behind Tsukishima when they were packing up. She was still there.

"Why are you hiding?"

"She's watching me..." Yamaguchi stayed very close to him. Tsukishima turned to glance over at her and he must've made a scary expression because she yelped and ran out of the gym.

"Problem solved." Tsukishima went off to change and Yamaguchi joined him. He couldn't help but feel watched up until the door closed. Even then the feeling barely subsided.

"What the hell?" He thought out loud as he finished changing. The others looked at him with a concerned look but he shook it off and went to class.

The girl was in his class. She was talking to Aria happily until he came in with Tsukishima. Then she stopped and smiled at him. Only to stop and hide behind her desk after looking at Tsukishima.

'Is she my stalker? Can't be... right? I'm overthinking this.'

He sat down and the lesson flew by. He sat with Tsukishima at break but didn't say much until he noticed the girl again. They moved somewhere else but she was everywhere. Eventually they got up to the roof and successfully shook her off.

"She's scaring me." Yamaguchi whispered to himself.

"If she touches you she dies." Tsukishima said bluntly. He shot his gaze to the blond.

"What?" He refused to believe he just heard that.

"Nothing." Tsukishima dodged any further attempts to get him to repeat that. He was very good at dropping a subject he was unwilling to talk about. That was frustrating.


As they did before, he walked home with Tsukishima until they split off. In awkward silence. He still hated it. Should he tell him about the stalker? Should he tell him he suspects the girl? Should he even say anything at all?

"What was with that girl?" Tsukishima asked blankly. Well there goes all his questions.

"I think she might be stalking me..." Yamaguchi rubbed his nape.

"You mean like the person who took a picture of your house?" He sounded way too nonchalant for this. It was kind of creepy. Then again Tsukishima was done with everything. Absolutely everything. Except for him of course.

"Yeah.." He found a very sudden interest in the floor. The pavement had alot of cracks in it. You could trip if you weren't careful.

"I'll ask Daichi to chase her away at practice." Tsukishima offered. It wasn't much but it was something. What else could you do about a school girl that stalked you? Nothing really. Just pretend she isn't following you around.

Eventually they came to their split off section in front of Tsukishima's house and the minute his friend was out of sight he bolted to his own house. Full on sprinting until he got into his house and slammed the door behind him. God was it terrifying to avoid potential stalkers all the way home. Also tiring because he was so out of breath. It wasn't as bad as running all the way home from school but it was still quite a bit of running.

He went to his room immediately and took out his homework. Then sat for a few minutes trying to complete it. After a few hours he managed but he was sure all his answers were wrong. He'd have to see tomorrow.

Tomorrow he'd get the story of what the hell was up with Aria. After all this shit he could never confess his feelings. Everything was barely holding together as it was. That would just ruin it. Their friendship would crumble to dust. It was unstable at the moment. There wasn't much he could do either. It hasn't got anything to do with him to begin with. It's an issue between Tsukishima and Aria. Not him. He just happened to be caught in the cross fire. Just viewing from the sidelines,  he could tell it was a bit of a messy situation.

Then again he could be way overthinking things. It could be really simple and he's just an idiot. That could be it.

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