Unfortunate Events.

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"So....How does this look?" I turn around to show Violet, my floral patterned skirt and black long sleeved crop-top, that matched my black pumps. My smokey hair was curled and teased at the crown. 

"Oh, I love it!" She said, "But...I think this was make it better."

She reaches across my bed and grabs my black hat, and hands it to, "Also try the plum lipstick."

I smile,"What would I do without you?"

"Crash and burn," She hands my my lipstick and guides my over to the mirror, "We've missed you, you know."

"Who's we?" I ask, smacking my purple lips together. 

"Me.....and Dominic.." 

I drop my tube, and jump back, "You've been talking to Dominic?"

"Oh, yeah. He's missed you...a lot."

"Well, we really can't meet out in the open," I say.

"That's right. Your dad would freak out if he knew you and his 'Best Detective' were seeing each other."

"Shhh...." I whisper.

"God, Charlie . Your dad doesn't have the place bugged, or anything."

"You don't know that. After that pill misunderstanding, he's probably got somebody in an unmarked car out front."

Violet laughs.

"Is Dominic coming tonight?"

Violet looks down at her phone, "I don't think so. He said he has a mountain of paperwork to do."

"Figures," I sigh, "Do you know how hard it is to see him at the precinct and can only smile and wave at each other?"

"I thinks it kinda sweet, forbiden love, Romeo and Juliet, that sort of thing."

"Yeah and we all know how well it turned out for Romeo & Julie. Now hurry up, we have to leave before my dad gets back!"

"Okay, okay, I'm texting Danny now and telling him we're coming."


I park my Lincoln in the lot besides Danny's house. I can hear the music, and see the lights of the house. Violet smiles, her sequenced dress sparkling in the moonlight as she stepped out on to the pavement. Violet was a beautiful girl with long straight blonde hair and piercing green eyes. 

I got out hesitantly, "Now remember, I just got back, so be gentle." She laughs and grabs my hand practically running to the house. 

Danny meets us at the door, holding his drink, "Oo, damn. Somebody hit you two with the pretty stick."

"You got to work on your pick up lines, Danny." She said taking the red cup from him.

The house is crowded, and loud. Seth Osmond is flirting with Dainah Holcomb in the corner, while Davis Susman is puking 2 feet away. To be honest any normal person would find this repulsive, but this when your away from society for 2 months, this place couldn't make you happier.

"Thirsty?" Violet yells over the noise, and hands me her cup. 

"What is it?" I ask.

"Good," She smiles, "Just drink it."

I take a deep breath, and throw it back. The liquid stings and tickles my throat, I smile, "Mmm.."

Violet laughs, "Hey, hottie 12 o'clock, I'm-uh- gonna go say hi."

"Mhmm." I raise my eyebrow and watch her walk away. 

I look around the room a minute, no one is here that is worth talking to. Suddenly I feel something push into my back, my drink goes all over the front of shirt. I scream and spin around coming face to face with some guy. 

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," He has dark brown hair with bright green eyes. He's wearing a dark leather jacket and lose fitting blue jeans. 

"Would you watch where you're going, " I shout at him. 

"I said I was sorry," He defends, "Do you want me to get a towel or something?"

"No, I want you to leave." I say the words harsher than I mean. At this moment I really just want to go home, it was a bad idea coming here. I should have just stayed home.

The guy looks back at me,"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I say to him.

"Nothing you just seem- not okay."

"I'm fine, really. Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm just having a really crappy night." 

"Well, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry about your dress. But you didn't have to be a bitch."

"Well, thanks for those thoughtful words,"

He rolls his eyes and walks away. I am quickly reminded why I never go out.

An hour or so passes, and I am bored out of my mind. I stare down into my empty cup. Another, I think to myself, going into the kitchen. I don't feel good, and my head is fuzy. I stumble into the room when suddenly I fell something grab me. I try to scream but it puts it's hand over my mouth and eyes. I panic, I try to kick and scream but I can't. I'm dragged outside and pushed up against the wall. Suddenly the attacker lets go of my eyes and I blink a few times.


"Did I scare you?" I see the outline of him in the dark.

"You jerk," I smile and smack his arm.

He kisses me slowly and savory, "I missed you,"

"I missed you, too," I say before kissing him back. 

He smells like cinnamon and wood, and feels warm in the cold air. 

"Why can't we talk inside?" I ask.

"Because it's safer out here," He answers, "And besides I like having you all to myself."

He holds me for a minute, then kisses my forehead.

"I'm cold," I whine, "Please can we go inside, no one will recognize you."

He sighs then thinks, "Okay, but we go straight up stairs."

He grabs my hand and quickly leads my through the drunk and disorderly, up the stairs. He knocks on doors until he finds a free one. He leads me inside locking the door behind him. 

"Better?" he asks.

"Mmm..Much better," I say laying down on the bed.

I pat the empty space beside me, "Come, here." 

Dominic slowly crawls in beside me, and wraps his huge arms around me. I breathe him in, all of him, and close my eyes. I have missed this. I have missed the thrill of sneaking around, and the safety of him, I've just missed Dominic. I find myself getting tiered, and suddenly I'm asleep, dreaming of running away.


"Hey, wake up!" I feel myself being shaken, as I blink at the light that is in my face. Two men are standing over me. 

"Miss?" They ask, "Miss are you okay?"

"Dominic," I mutter.

"Miss you're going to have to come with us."

"Dominic," I whisper.

"No ones here ma'am, now please come with us."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. This is when I saw it, the two men were dressed in their police uniforms and Dominic was gone.

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