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There, on the bed, lying and sleeping to his heart's content, was (name). It was nearing 10 A.M and the (hair color) haired teen wasn't still up. Since last night- which the team did a pretty dangerous adventure in the nether- the boys were pretty exhausted from the life threatening suicide mission to get some blaze rods, and all for that for just 5 rods.

After miles and miles of sprinting back to the house, (name) flopped down to the bed and was knocked out cold within seconds. The poor exhausted male didn't even join the team for dinner! Now here he was, still asleep and cold as a rock. George had gone fishing with Bad Boy Halo and Sapnap was out into the village, leaving Dream and a sleeping (name) in the base.

Dream was just glad that no body got seriously hurt on the mission, or it would be pretty bad.  Apart from Sapnap who NEARLY died from lava, (name) managed to pull the poor male out before burning to death. That would be pretty painful.

A sudden motion and stir beside the masked male made Dream snap out from his thoughts and turned around to face (name). Yes, Dream was lying next to the (hair color) haired sharp shooter. Bright (eye color) eyes stared back at Dream's hidden green eyes behind his mask, but (name) knew he was smiling.

"Good morning love. You're up late."

The neon hooded male greeted with a smile on his voice. Just hearing Dream's soothing voice made (name)'s mornings. Of course, the male returned the smile.

"Good morning to you too, Dream. You're up early."

"It's already 10 AM (name), get up already."

The man just chuckled and hugged the older male. Without him knowing, the gesture made Dream tensed. It was no joke that Dream began to develop feelings for the (hair color) haired prankster. It's already been 3 years since they formed the dream team along with George, SapSnap and Bad Boy Halo and with in those years, Dream knew it was love that was blooming in his chest. He was just not so sure if (name) returned the feeling- hell he isn't even sure if this adorable dork liked boys!

(Name) was known for his flirty personality. The dude would filrt with everyone on the team! Yes, Dream admits that he often gets jealous when (name) would flirt with the others and yes, Dream do take it seriously when (name) flirts with him. So even small gestures such as (name) suddenly holding his hand or calling his name would make the male blush under his mask.

And right now, it wasn't helping. I mean, how could Dream ignore all of this!? Him and his crush, lying in bed together, with (name) hugging him tightly!

"But Dream~ I'm still so sleepy!"

(Name) 'groaned' erotically into the older male's ear. It was yet another attempt to flirt and play around with the male. (and it would succeed each time) The morning voice of (name) basically made the masked man insane!

No, Dream, snap out of it! You're older than (name) by a year, and you're not giving in so easily to him!

Smirking under his mask, Dream snaked an arm around (name)'s waist and held into him firmly. "Well, if you say so babe.~" Dream purred into (name)'s ear. Suddenly, the man's breath hitched. His spit was stuck on his throat and his eyes widened. Dream noticed and chuckled, paying (name) back with his own games was easier than he thought.

"Oh you've became playful... Daddy~"

Or not

Fuck (name), why do you always make Dream's heart go beat like crazy!? And that move was so dirty! Dream's eyes widened as grabbed the smirking male. Now, Dream was on top of (name)- pinning the sharp shooter of the team below him. (Name), now fully awake- continued smirking up at the male on top of him. He was surprised when Dream reacted to it. He didn't knew that Dream had the kink, he just thought it was a fun thing to say or tease the male- he really didn't thought that he would hit the jackpot so easily! What a luck.

"D-don't say that (name)... That's b-bad..."

Even if his words denied the (hair color) haired male, his body surely didn't. Heavy breathing, tips of ears red and (name) clearly didn't miss the semi hard member between the male's legs.

"Really? But I like saying it! Come on, Daddy~ Why can't you let me say it? Daddy Dream~"

(Name) continued to tease the male. Dream grint his teeth and his knuckled were turning white from gripping them so hard. Stopping himself from basically pounding into (name) was more EXHAUSTING than yesterday's blaze rod mission! It took a lot of will power and control to stop himself from jumping to the smirking male below him.

"No (name), no means n- ahh!"

Dream cut himself off by a rough moan that escaped his throat. The decided it was a good idea to move his knees, which resulted to 'accidentally' rub the now hard on penis of the masked male.

"Ops! I'm sorry Daddy! I didn't mean to-"

Suddenly, a pair of warm lips smashed against (name)'s own. Without even waisting a damn second, the male immediately kissed back just as agressive as Dream was. They weren't even asserting clear dominance anymore, as the two of them were clearly alpha males. They were really getting into it, Sucking, licking exploaring you name it, the two harmoniously made out. As if their lips were made for each other, it was like a perfect puzzle.

The two shared an agressive heated make out season, until they pulled out for air. Dream's mask were slightly ajared upwards so that his lips were shown. Oh how badly (name) wanted to rip that mask off of him, but he can't. It was part of house rules, so he just have to live with it until the time comes. Plus, it gave the male more excitement, thrill and a pinch of mystery on what Dream really looked like.

"You're so bad (name)." Dream huffed out as he retracted himself from the said male, but only to be stopped mid way. "Don't stop yet Dream." And with that, the two dived in again. This time, they kissed for a little longer.

Having to sprint nearly everyday really gave them advantage in having more air, well after doing a lot of Hunter vs. Speed Runner really paid off.

The kiss lasted for a minute and a half, only to be cut off by George's voice from down stairs, along with BBH. The two broke the kiss and Dream stood up and re-adjusted his mask. (Name) just groaned and sat up. "We'll definitely going to continue afterwards." And with that (name) left Dream on the room all by himself, probably going to 'relieve' himself.

Did that really just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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