3 | Holly Kujo

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"Caroline, do you want me to wait and drive you to school together?"
My uncle asked me as he stopped in front of the Kujo's residence.

"It's only a ten minute walk to school from here, so I'll just walk with Jotaro. But thanks."
I politely declined, opening the car door on my side already.

"Don't forget to get your school bag."
He reminded me, causing me to facepalm.
"Thank you, I nearly forgot. I will ask Jotaro if he could bring it to me then."

I opened the back door to reach the backseats where a bag with other clothes was in.

My aunt and uncle insisted on me to wear my school uniform of course, but I wanted to change into normal clothing after school, when visiting the Kujo residence.

"Have fun at school."
"Have fun at work."
I closed the door, waving goodbye at my uncle while he drove away.

I walked up to the main entrance to the Kujo's residence, intending to ring when suddenly the door opened.

"Oh, good morning Jotaro. You are very early today, aren't you?"
"Fifteen minutes until school begins."
"Twenty five minutes, actually."
I corrected him while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Jotaro looked at his TAG Heuer wrist watch, employing a surprised look on his face as he realised I was right.

"Anyway, could I see Kakyoin and then get my school bag? I forgot it here yesterday."
"Something's odd today.."
Jotaro muttered, turning around and walking back into the residence. I followed him, closing the main door behind me.

Jotaro led me up to the hut where Kakyoin was, standing at the entrance while I entered the room after knocking.
"Hej, Kakyoin. Are you feeling any better?"
I asked him while sitting down on the floor next to him, leading him to nod.

"Again, I'm sorry for yesterday, you two.."
"Forget about it. We know it was Dio's fault, not yours. I would suggest you to stay in bed for today as well, you still look beat up."

"Mrs.Kujo! Mrs.Kujo!"
Avdol's voice resounded in the distance, leading Jotaro and me to look at each other for a moment.

Jotaro started walking away while I slowly rose up to my feet.
"We will check upon what happened, don't overstrain yourself."

I left the room and then I ran up to Jotaro who already met up with his grandfather Joseph inside the kitchen. Avdol was holding Mrs.Kujo in his hands, both of them on the kitchen floor.

"She.. has a Stand?"
Joseph mumbled, sounding outraged yet scared.

I covered my mouth with my hands before muffling.
"Is.. is the Stand doing this to her?!"

Mrs.Kujo looked very feverish as sweat drops were on her forehead while thorns appeared on her back, probably her Stand.

Joseph remarked with a shaky voice, being at the verge of tears while Jotaro gritted his teeth.

Out of nowhere, Joseph took Jotaro by the collar, pushing him against the wall while looking down. Avdol and I both looked at them in concern.

"This is the one thing I feared the most..! This is the very last thing I ever wanted to happen! My daughter has developed a Stand as well..! I've always known she is too weak! She can't withstand it! I knew if this day came it would destroy her, she doesn't have the strength needed to repel Dio's curse!"

Jotaro grabbed Joseph by his wrist, pushing him back a little bit before speaking up with frowned eyebrows.
"Tell me. What can we do?"

"I.. to start, we must find Dio. The only way to break this curse is to find Dio and kill him!"
Joseph told us while everyone looked at Mrs.Kujo.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now