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Baby Girl💞: Hey, my furry friends!! I created this group chat for 'work' and outside of work conversations!!

Chocolate Thunder💋: Nice Baby Girl.

Boss Man😛: I don't get the meaning of this?

Papa Rossi👻: Its just for fun Hotch, lighten up!

EmilylovesJJ🥵: Yea boss man, lighten up. GARCIA WHAT IS WITH MY NAME!!!

Baby Girl💞: I knew you would notice sooner or later.

Blonde Baddie😇: Seriously Garcia, how many times do I have to tell you Em and I aren't dating, we're only friends!

EmilylovesJJ🥵: Exactly!

Boy Wonder📚: I agree with the girls.

Chocolate Thunder💋: The boy finally speaks.

Boss Man😛: You guys do realised, that your all sitting like 5 feet from each other, right?

Blonde Baddie😇: Yeah, so what?!?!

Papa Rossi👻: Can you guys stop?! I'm actually trying to get my work done so I can go home!

Baby Girl💞: Lmao, can we come over for a family night?

EmilylovesJJ🥵: Yea Rossi please???

Papa Rossi👻: Fine.

Boy Wonder📚: I can't tonight.

Chocolate Thunder💋: Come on Pretty Boy, what you got a date or something?

Boy Wonder📚: So what if I do Morgan?

Boss Man😛: Alright boys, stop or you both are going stay late and do everyone else's paperwork.

Blonde Baddie😇: Ahah, the boys are getting in trouble with dad!!

Baby Girl💞: Sucks to be them.

EmilylovesJJ🥵: Are we not going to say anything about JJ calling Hotch dad?

Papa Rossi👻: I agree with Prentiss, that is kinda weird.

Chocolate Thunder💋: Same, that is a little weird.

Boy Wonder📚: Well he is one of the oldest team members and he does tell us off like a father would.

Boss Man😛: As much as I hate to admit it, Reid is right.

Blonde Baddie😇: Omg! Did the Aaron Hotchner, just admit to being like a father to us!?!

Baby Girl💞: I think he did.

EmilylovesJJ🥵: Doesn't anyone ever think that it's hella weird that, we're like a family but yet a least one of us has had a crush on each other?

Papa Rossi👻: That's not weird, it's just creepy.

Chocolate Thunder💋: Yo Hotch, question, can we go home early so we can get wasted at Rossi's?

Boy Wonder📚: Why do we always have to drink?

Chocolate Thunder💋: Cause drinking with your friends is fun! And you don't drink anyway.

Boss Man😛: I guess if you want, but only if all your paperwork is done.

Baby Girl💞: Yesss!!!

EmilylovesJJ🥵: I'm about to get wasted as fuck!! Oh and JJ can you meet me in the bathroom, I need to tell you something important, please?

Blonde Baddie😇:Ok, I'll go now.

Papa Rossi👻: Isn't anyone else finding that just a little suspicious?

Boy Wonder📚: They just said they were only friends so, I believe them.

Chocolate Thunder💋: Baby Girl, can you go to bathroom and see what there doing please?

Baby Girl💞: Anything for you my Chocolate God.

Boss Man😛: Why can't you guys just be like adults and leave them be.

Blonde Baddie😇: Yeah, why do you guys want to know what Em and I were doing?

Papa Rossi👻: Because of Jemily.


Boy Wonder📚: ROSSI!!

Chocolate Thunder💋: Its pretty obvious that its both your names together, your ship name.

Baby Girl💞: Yeah, we all support is too, you guys are so cute together!!

Boss Man😛: Ok, well let's forget about this conversation and get over to Rossi's.

Blonde Baddie😇: Ok, see you guys soon.


Hi guys, this is only my first book, but I hope you guys like it so far. I broke my laptop so I lost parts of my other story I have saved to it, I'm going to try and keep updating both these stories but no promises. Thank you for understanding

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