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Someone put on Fleetwood Mac, the immediate response for Misty was to get up and start dancing. It was no secret that Misty loved Fleetwood Mac. She grabbed Venus' hand and urged them to dance with her. Venus playfully rolled their eyes and laughed as they danced with Misty, trying to follow Misty's fluid movements. Soon everyone except Cordelia were dancing in a circle. Cordelia laughed at everyone's outrageous obvious bad dance moves. She felt content. Her friends were all she really needed.

Tabitha was dancing with an elated smile on her face and she stared up at the sky. All the clouds pure and fluffy, the sun bright and warm and the sky blue and beautiful. She took in the moment and sent a grateful prayer to whoever was controlling the universe. Frankly she didn't believe in any gods but she believed in fate and this right here was fate. Cordelia, Dixie, Misty, Noah, Venus, Tabitha and herself; now that was fate. She knew it in her heart. To be around people who genuinely cared for one another was a truly special experience. Tabitha sat down on the blanket and grabbed a slice of the bread that Venus made, smearing the strawberry jam that Venus also made before taking bites of it. It tasted like heaven. She always loved strawberry flavoured food. She broke of a piece of her bread and fed Cordelia. Cordelia smiled at her as she chewed the piece of bread. She loved Cordelia's smile, the one side was quirked higher than the other and it was so adorable.

After a while everyone had settled down and was eating the snacks that they brought to the picnic. Noah shook the cheap bottle of champagne and the bottle opened with a loud pop, foam shooting out. Noah being Noah, pointed it at everyone. With him giggling and them voicing their dislike for what he just did, he poured everyone a tall glass of the cheap champagne. With everyone having accepted a glass, Venus spoke up, "Today we celebrate Dixie's birthday. Eighteen years of age!", they winked at Dixie, "Dixie when we say that we're grateful for you, we mean it!", they emphasized the last part,"Enjoy finally being legal.".

"To Dixie!", Misty exclaimed raising her glass. Everyone repeated her. Dixie laughed at their friends and chugged their glass. She honestly needed today, she didn't tell anyone but they lately felt a bit disconnected from everyone and everything but today filled something essential in themself. They felt whole and extremely grateful. They didn't care that it was their birthday but they were just happy that they had these people around they.

"I'm calling it!"Cordelia randomly shouted, "GROUP MOTHERFUCKING HUG!". She brought everyone in a hug, Dixie being in the middle. Cordelia giggled at how overwhelmed Dixie looked. Dixie was not used to all the physical touch that their friends gave them, even after being their friend for about a year. Cordelia felt warmth in her heart for these people that she was lucky to call her friends. In all honesty, she truly felt spiritually connected with everyone. They all made her smile deeply and in honesty. The hug went on for a few more precious seconds and then everyone separated, Misty had gone back to dancing with Dixie and Tabitha. Venus knelt back to the picnic basket to take out a beautifully decorated cake. Cordelia loved cake. She loved cake with such a passion and seeing that gorgeous cake that Venus whipped out, she got excited. She had been craving for cake for the last few days and why did she forgot for a good minute that people have cakes at birthday parties. She watched as Venus cut the cake into somewhat equal pieces for everyone. Cordelia knelt down to help them put the slices of cakes on paper plates that Venus had gestured to. This day could possibly be the best day of my life, Cordelia thought as she spooned a piece of the cake into her mouth. Cordelia knew that Venus could bake breads but she didn't know that they could bake possibly the best cake known to man. The cake was vanilla and it was so so good. It had cute little flower decorations that were also edible, the frosting was a pink-purple colour that was very pretty, and it tasted like some sort of berry - maybe mixed berries even. Cordelia thanked Venus for the cake. This really made her day as silly as it was.

Venus was pleased that everyone especially Cordelia liked her cake. It was the first time they had baked a cake. They never was interested in making cakes but they knew they had to for Dixie's birthday. They only wanted the best for their friends - with the exception of cheap champagne. No way was they going to spend more than needed on champagne. Expensive champagne tasted bitter anyway. For the first time in the day, they studied the sky and saw that the clouds had cleared. They had been here since early morning and now it was nearing mid afternoon hours. The skies was a bright baby blue and the sun had become increasingly warmer. They were surrounded by greenery and Venus enjoyed being out in nature. The air was sweeter and more clean here. Venus now promised themself that they had to bring everyone here for a hike every once in a while.
The friend group sang Loving is Easy as they all sat on the blanket and watched the sunset. What a beautiful way for a day to end. They didn't want it to end it there, they wanted to keep living in this oblivion but knew that tomorrow wasn't far away. They still had each other and that was the only thing that mattered at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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