roceon fic i wrote cause why not

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rocdeon best ship yes 

So Soceon was just being an alien cat thing and flyin' around the universe when they zyooooomed at earth for a visit.

This was Soceon's very first solo trip. It took a long time but she had finally managed to earn enough trust from her squadron, especially after the incident with hemegadom. Which meant she had to do her absolute darnest to not mess it up. If she did, well... it would probably take 694202114 years for her to get it back....

Which of course would make her long gone. What? Did you think aliens really lived tht long? Well, maybe they do. I mean, this is just a fanfiction, so who really cares?

The air whisked past Soceon's whiskers ever so gently, yet the air was still freezing cold. You see, Soceon had landed herself right on the north pole. Yep, directly on top of the pole. And even worse, Santa had spotted her! This first trip started out as a total nightmare..

Santa actually didn't react much at all, apparently it wasn't the first time an alien (or even group of aliens) decided to go to the TRUE north, strong and free. He even offered to hide Soceon's UFO and give her a ride for a small favour. She told Santa Claus to "take me to chicago, illinois" and in a flash, suddenly she was there, all alone, in a sewer system.  

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