Chapter 2

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Eldon's POV

I get into the studio, I really feel bad, I mean C'm0on, I think Michelle might have heard eveyrhting, I mean I was just joking, I start laughing, but then I think, Wait- Was I really Joking, or was I serios, I walk over toe the studio, I see A troupe crouded, I son't know why, I just don't I get to the centure, I see a note, it reads

Dear A troupe

Chris has got my in custody 10 dancers, if you are wondering where Lyn Rio and Riley are, I think they are all with Chris, I don't know, help me please! I think he is a kidnapper!

Form Kate

Michelle: you cannot be serios

I look around and see eveyrone in flames, some people crying, some people yelling at each other, some people even hurting other, like swearing and actully punching and kicking people, I don't kow what to ssay about this, what should I say? 

Pheobe's POV

I get ready, I walk to the studio as I see people swearing, punching and kicking people. I get to the frount, I am in the middle opf the croud of 10 dancers, but...... Eldon is in the middle with Michelle trying to calm down the croud, well if anything it isn't helping, it's making this situation worse!


everyone hugs me, I had been gone on vacaction for 4 weeks already, so I don't know anything going on, all I know is that Kate has gone missing, I see a note


I get ready, I have just gotten home

KATE! are you here! I yell

No one responds

Once I get in the living room, I see the stairs, I walk up them, I go into Kate's room, it says "Keep Out" Why would it say Keep out, I don't know why?, I look inside the room,  No one is  there, I think she is at the gym, I look around, her gym bag is here, Maybe dance? no herdance bag is also here, and it is a day off, where in the world could she be?

End aof flashback

I look at the Note

 Dear A troupe

Chris has got my in custody 10 dancders, if you are wondering where Lyn Rio and Riley are, I think they are all with Chris, I don't know, help me please! I think he is a kidnapper!

Form Kate


I get into the dance studio, everyone comes in, 

Okay! eveyrone! go to culture shock I'll deal with some stuff right now with Michelle and Emily I say

Michelel and Emily comes in here, evryone else leaves

I am sitting in my office with Michelle and Emily, I hear a phone ring

I pick it up

Hello? I ask, who is this

a voice comes up, the guy used a voice changer

Voice: Leave the studio at once!, NA just kidding, HA! well anyways! you need 14 dancers for Regional's, and leave the studio at once!

GUYS! VEYRONE! I yell, everyone comes in

look at this I say

I replay the phone call

UH OH Michelle says worriedly!

We look at the door, the note is torn off,  nd a new note is on

it reads

From The Next Step

Hi, it is Elite, move out of here, it is time for A troupe to come down in flames, but also, we will kill this studio, leave if you don't wanmt to die!

From Elite

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