Back to Hogwarts

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Harry woke up to a loud voice, which seemed to be yelling, that was no doubt his uncle's.

"BOY! WHY ARE YOUR GODDAMN OWLS IN MY KITCHEN!" Vernon shouted in that familiar, angry t tone. 

"What does he want now?" Harry asked himself, getting out of bed, and changing as quick as possible. When his uncle was mad, Harry had to make sure he didn't get on the wrong side of him, or, as his uncle said, he would get a 'severe punishment'. Harry sprinted down the stairs, and entered the kitchen, to see Dudley and Aunt Petunia sitting at the breakfast table, with a terrified look on their face, as if they had seen a ghost. Uncle Vernon was holding a rolled up newspaper, with which he seemed to be trying to chase away an owl with, which Harry recognized to be the one of the Hogwart's Owls. The bird dodged Vernon, and flew out of the window it most probably came through. On it's way out, Harry noticed that it had dropped a letter, which wasn't particularly surprising, but it did leave Harry confused as to why a Hogwarts had written him a letter.

He walked towards the counter the owl had dropped it on, and picked it up. "Is that a letter from that freak school of yours?" Uncle Vernon asked, in the same angry tone, noticing the red 'H' that had been stamped onto it. Harry didn't respond, but instead, opened the letter to find the piece of parchment that he expected to see. He skimmed through the letter. Dear Harry James Potter...blah blah blah... wait. Eighth Year at Hogwarts? They had to be joking. This couldn't possibly be true. Harry looked at the bottom of the parchment. It was signed by Professor McGonagal, so it had to be real. Now that he thought about it, he really wouldn't mind going back to Hogwarts. He would be a lot more popular know, but he had dealt with crazy paparazzi before. And plus, Harry would take any chance he got to get away from the Dursleys, but he guessed that what he was nervous about was actually telling his aunt and uncle about it.

"Hurry up then! Read it!" Said Aunt Petunia, finally standing up. "Oh, erm, I have." Harry quickly responded. "No, read it aloud! It can't possibly be that bad!" she said snatching the parchment out of Harry's hands. Harry could see her eyes rolling down the letter, and then they stopped. She turned dead pale, and as still as a statue. Vernon didn't see his wife's expression, and took the parchment out of her shaking hands, and skimmed through it.


Author's Note: Hello everybody! Thank you so, so much for checking out my story, I really appreciate it. I am really sorry if I made any big mistakes, but i'm not a professional, and like the rest of us, I'm still learning. If you did enjoy this, please tell me in the comments, as I am currently contemplating whether I should carry this out or not. If I do decide to carry on this fanfiction, it will probably be 13+ and have things like death, suicide, self-harm, profanity, and maybe some smut if your lucky😏😏😏

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