Platform 9 ¾ (Part 1)

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Here he was, at Kings Cross station. Last week, he had gone to Diagon Alley with the Weasleys to buy some new robes (which was quite difficult as there had never been any eighth year students before), and to buy the books he would use to study that year. His aunt and uncle weren't very happy about the situation, they thought that they could probably make Harry forget about him being a wizard, or something like that if they just kept him shut in his room, with no contact to the wizarding world. 

Harry took a deep breath, and then walked through the barrier separating platform 9 and 10. He saw all his Hogwarts friends; Ron, Hermione, Neville, oh. Malfoy. Great. Just when he was starting to get excited, he had to see him. Harry hadn't forgotten about him over the holidays, oh no, he had been having dreams about him and the Slytherin,  which he was way too embarrassed talk about. He did everything he could to try to forget about him, and just when he was close to succeeding, Malfoy had to show up. He just sighed, and walked towards his two best friends. 

"Harry!" said Hermione, as she ran towards him and flung himself on to him. Ron was with her, he smiled and greeted him, in his friendly voice. 

They talked for a bit, as they waited for The Hogwarts Express to arrive at Platform 9 ¾. The train arrived quickly enough, and the trio boarded, as First Years waved goodbye to their parents, Third Years teasing their younger siblings about how they would go to Hogsmeade, and their fellow Eighth years either beaming with excitement, or slouching down with groans and complaints. 

Luckily, they got a compartment all by themselves, as they usually did on their train ride to Hogwarts. 

'I wonder how they're going to manage the dormitories. I mean, they do have an extra grade now, and there can't be enough space for us to all sleep in the Gryffindor dormitories,' Hermione said, with a certain expression that Harry knew to be her thinking face. 'It's possible that they might make separate dorms for all the Eighth Years,' she said, as the trolley lady came in with the food. Harry exchanged his coins for some treacle tarts; he didn't buy much since he wasn't very hungry. 

'You sure you don't want to eat more mate? You're getting really thin.' Ron asked, sounding concerned. He glanced down at Harry's abdomen, then back at him.

'Yeah, just not that hungry. I Guess I don't want to eat to much before the feast, ' Harry reassured his worried friend.

Well, that was technically the truth. Most of it was, anyway. The Dursleys  wouldn't let him eat very often, so he was used to not eating for a quite a while. Harry was planning to move out, something he dreamt of ever since he was young, and now, when he was finally able to, he had to go back to Hogwarts. But then Harry remembered that he was going to Hogwarts. Hogwarts. The place he considered home, the place where he had friends. Actual, genuine friends.  

Harry looked out of the window, before deciding to take a nap. He snuggled up in his warm, black hoodie, and dozed off.


'Potter. Potter! Potter!' a voice shouted to him.

Harry just groaned pulled the drawstrings on his hoodie, and the little portal of light closed.

'Merlin Potter, wake up!' The voice kept on saying in annoyance.

'Leave me alone Mione,' Harry sleepily said, and turned to his side.

'You're absolutely impossible. I have no idea how the mudblood manages you.'  

'Ugh, what is it?' Harry said in frustration, finally giving up. He rubbed his eyes, not to see, Hermione, or Ron but Malfoy. 

'Malfoy?' he blurted out.

'Yes, now get up.  I have things to do, and I'm not going to sit here waiting for you while you take your beauty sleep.'

Harry looked out of the window, not to see landscapes of the countryside, instead he saw Hogsmede Station, and all the students who had got off the train. 

Harry and Draco got out of the compartment, and started walking toward the door to get off of the train.

'Wait, you were waiting for me?' Harry asked Draco, his voice mixed with both confusion and suprise.

'A decision I very much regret.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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