Chapter 1: Runaway Royals

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Alex gripped Luna's hand as they ran through the empty palace grounds. The overgrowth that served as a playground by day cast ominous shadows over the siblings.

Slipping past the guards, the pair walked down the dark streets of the kingdom. They kept to the side of the road, silent as the shadows they hid in.

Eventually, the pair came to the forest that spanned the border between the human and monster kingdoms.

Alex decided that it would be a safe place for him and his sister to live in, at least until the war reached them.

*timeskip one week*

About a week after the war had been announced, Luna saw a monster for the first time.

She and had been sitting in an old oak tree when she heard voices from the ground below. Peering through the rugged branches, the young girl was quite surprised to see a small band of monsters.

Luna thought back to when her brother explained monsters to her.


"Monsters," said Alex, "are creatures of magic. Their souls are magic, their bodies are magic, everything about them is magic! They can harness this magic, and can use it to do almost anything. They can make magic weapons, they can heal with magic, some of them can even use magic to teleport!" he said, his hands gesturing frantically as he spoke.

"Can humans do magic?" asked Luna.

"Not that I know of," answered the boy, ruffling his sister's curly brown hair. "But who knows; maybe you'll be the first one!"

"Nuuu, don't noogie me!" said Luna, giggling.

*flashback end*

Luna watched them walk by, her mismatched eyes sparkling with wonder.

It was only a few seconds before they were out of sight, but she made sure not to make any movement or noise until they were well out of hearing range. If they saw her, they would likely assume that she was a spy; there was a war going on, after all. She may have only been six years old, but she had a better understanding of war than most teenagers.

Probably because Alex let her read The Art of War.

And War and Peace.

And almost every other book about war in existence.

Never underestimate a six-year-old.

She waited a few more minutes, just to be safe, before running back to her treehouse, making sure not to disturb the trail.

*le timeskip*

"I saw some monsters today!"

The tall, tan-skinned boy turned to Luna.

"Well, good evening to you too, miss. Oh, and my day was amazing, thank you for asking," he said, smiling.

Luna pouted at her brother, who only laughed.

"I'm only joking, silly! Now, tell me about your day, little butterfly."

Luna explained everything to Alex, who listened attentively to his sister's rambling speech.

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure, hm?"


Alex walked to the wooden counter and began to make some sandwiches.

"Want pickles?"

"Eeeeew, no."

"You sure? I'm ready to put them on..."

"Don't you dare!"

Alex laughed. "We don't even have pickles!"

Luna gave him a stern look.

After eating their pickle-free sandwiches, Luna got an idea.

"I have an idea!"

"Oh no."

"You know 'bout the war, right?"

"How could I not?"

"Good point. If we follow the monsters on their way back, we could find a camp, and ask to join their side. We are on their side, right?"

"That's a good idea."

"Of course it is," said Luna, striking a pose, "I made it, after all!"

The siblings burst out laughing. Why? It's an inside joke, don't question it.

"We'll try it."




"It's past your bed time, young lady."

Luna sighed and walked into her bedroom. Her room had no roof, no walls, and no floor. To get to her bed, which was really just a hammock with a pillow and a blanket, you had to walk down a particularly large branch and climb up to it.

Luna scrambled into her bed, and Alex sat down on a branch next to her.

"Can you sing for me?" asked Luna, just like every night.

And, just like every night, Alex said, "of course."


678 words

Hope you liked this chapter! The song is not by me. I just wanted to put it there, 'cause i really like it. Also, it kinda ties in with the story slightly, for ✨reasons✨ so yeah. If you can, please listen to it. Bye, friends!

The Butterfly Affect, Book 1: A World At WarWhere stories live. Discover now