The squad goes to the beach.

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Ghia pov

I was going to the beach with the squad. Risotto claims it was a bonding exercise but he clearly just wanted to relax for once.

Pesci ran off to the pier with Prosciutto in tow to catch and release fish.

Illuso and Risotto sat under the beach umbrella, Illuso reading a novel and Risotto laying on his beach chair, relaxing.

Formaggio ran off into the ocean and started swimming around.

"Psh. I can do better." I said.

"Oh yeah? I bet you can't swim as far off shore as me!" Formaggio challenged. They were always finding ways to make everything a competition.

"Oh you're on." Ghiaccio grinned.

Mel's pov

I was swimming around the shore like I would every summer day to go human watching. My mother tells me they're dangerous but I find them to be fasinating creatures! What are they? What's it like on land?

I swam alongside a small school of fish as they swam off the reef offshore.

I swim under the docks to mess with the fishermen like I normally do. I gently pricked the bait off the hook and tugged at the hook as hard as I could.

"See, fra? I told you it wouldn't take long! Now just reel it in! The fish around here are pretty weak so I thought this would be a good starting place!" A voice above the water said.

The fisherman reeled the line in and I decided I'd toy with him a bit. I let him reel in a bit, but then I tugged harder at the line, and I felt the man stumble. I chuckled to myself. It's gonna be so funny to see him fall in!

I pulled the fishing hook with all my might, only to be sent hurtling back when the line snapped. That's never happened! I guess these things the humans make really aren't indestructible... I drop the hook and swim away from the docks.

I look over to the crowded beach and saw a red haired man seemingly challenging a blue haired man. Are they competing for a mate? Are they fighting for dominance? I just don't know!

The blue haired man runs into the water with the red haired man and they swim further off  into the sea. Shit, I need to move! I swam away to watch from afar.

The men started racing. Huh? I don't understand! Why are they having a swimming race? They can't swim! Look at all those splashes! That sloppy form! So messy! I think I'll tease them a bit.

3rd pov

Melone swam up next to them and poked his head out of the water. His fin-like ears twitched and his violet locks flopped over his left eye, which was covered by his purple ripped-cloth mask.

"Well, what are you two handsome men doing out here? Don't you know it's dangerous?~" he said exposing his full head and torso.

"None of your damn business! And besides, what dangerous things could possibly live on the coast of Napoli?" Ghiaccio said.

Melone lighy chuckled. "Well... there could be mermaids out here... I've heard that they lure handsome men like yourselves out to their deaths. You'd better be careful who you talk to."

"Oh please! Mermaids are just a story made up by kooky old fishermen to scare kids!" Formaggio said.

Melone chuckled. "Are you sure? If you think that strange men who pop out out of the coast of Napoli are trust worthy, I'll take that as a compliment!" He laughed as he withdrew into the water and swam away.

A stinky first chapter

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